Chapter Thirty-Five.

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I woke up slowly. I knew it was late, but I didn't mind. I loved sleeping. The room was dark, and I was incredibly relaxed. Jon's bed was one of my favorite places to sleep. His blankets were perfect and extremely comfortable. I opened my eyes hesitantly, but was pleasantly happy with how dark it was. I sat up and looked around, and realized I was alone. 

My heart sank, all too suddenly, and I couldn't believe I had let him draw me in like that. But I refused to let him make me feel like crap, so I decided to get up, and take a shower. 

I hopped out of bed, and went into Jon's bathroom. I stripped off my clothes, and got into the shower. 

Last night was nice, but if Jon was ready for us yet, then I wasn't going to push it. 

I smiled at the memory of Jon and I when we showered together. I can't believe I got a tattoo for him. I could of had a lot of regret, but I refused to regret anything in my life this far. 

Cancer changes you. 

Once I got done with my shower, I got out, and wrapped a towel around myself. I went out into Jon's room to gather up my things. 

I went to sneak over to Kaner's room, but Jon's door opened, and I froze. 

"Hey Charlie, what are you doing?" Jon asked, with a look of amusement. 

"I was just getting ready." I said with an awkward smile.

"Well I was just getting you some breakfast." He said, pulling a bag out from behind his back.

"Aw. That's too sweet." I said, mentally kicking myself for overreacting. "I need to get dressed." 

"Aw how come?" Jon said with a smile.

I smacked his arm, and went across the hall to Kaner's room. He was still passed out, and I giggled softly.

I grabbed some of my clothes, and quickly got dressed. We were traveling today, and traveling still made me pretty tired. I put on Kaner's basketball shorts, and one of his Keith charity t-shirts. 

I went back across the hall, and knocked.

"Come in?" Jon said confused, and I poked my head in. "Why'd you knock?" 

"I didn't want you indecent." I laughed, and went and sat on his bed. 

"So I got you a sprinkle donut, a hazelnut coffee, and some already cut up strawberries." he said, presenting me a bag and a cup of coffee.

"Aren't you the sweetest. This is my favorite breakfast!" I said, snatching my food out of his hands while he watched with a smile. 

"How'd you sleep?" he said, taking his own breakfast out. Apple slices and yogurt. 

"I slept really good. Your bed is the best." I said, taking a bite out of my doughnut. 

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now