Chapter Twenty.

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The team had given me time off for my family, unfortunately they weren't as giving with the boys. I had been home for two weeks, and missing them hadn't even begin to cover it. I cried myself to sleep every night. When I first moved to Chicago missing my family took over my every thought, but the Blackhawks were my family too. 

All the boys kept texting me, and sending me lots of love, but it didn't make it any easier. Sharpie, Shawzie, Bollsy, all had a special place in my heart, and my heart ached without them. I knew where I needed to be, and I would never abandon my family in a time of need, I just really wished that they would be here with me as well. 

Dad was getting worse. His attitude was the same, but you could tell he wasn't feeling very good. It was hard to see him losing weight, and slowly becoming a skeleton. 

"Charlie, are you ready to go home?" my dad asked as I was making some dinner one night.

"I am home dad. Are you okay?" I turned around, concerned.

"This isn't your home anymore princess." My dad smiled his warmest smile at me.

"Daddy don't say that." I cried, tears beginning to fall down my face. 

"It's true. And there is nothing wrong with that. This has ended up perfectly. I don't have to worry about you. You are surrounded with the best family I could ever imagine for you." he said, taking my hand. "I want you to go home. You have a job, a life, and a whole other family that you need to get back to."

"Dad I can't. I can't leave you this is the only time I have left." I said, the harsh realization hitting me of what I just said.

"I won't let the last memories you have of me, be me dying. I won't." My dad said sternly. 

"Daddy I can't. I need you. Why do you have to leave me?" I sobbed, falling to the ground. 

"Because it's time for someone else to have the pleasure of taking care of you. I don't want to be selfish anymore. You will be okay. I promise you. You are so strong. Stronger than you know." 

I knew he was right. He was always right. I knew he already the ticket for me. I was going home. And I was never going to see him again. 


Going home was hard. I had tried taking my mind off of it by working out, but my lack of eating made working out extremely exhausting. I talked to my dad on the phone a few times daily. I had to talk to the boys to find out how things were really going because my dad never told me the truth. 

Hospice was coming soon, meaning it was coming down to the end. As hard as it was to know that my dad was dying without me, I knew it was for the best. The boys were really strong, and no matter what face I tried to put on, my dad knew me better than anyone and it was all just a facade. 

"Charlie, would you like to go to dinner with me?" Kaner tried. 

"I can't, I am waiting on a call from my dad." I said, laying in my bed, or rather Jon and I's bed. 

"What about after? I'm worried about you. You look really sick, and I can't handle it. We will go wherever you want. I just want to see you as more than just skin and bones. 

"Kaner I'm trying." I said, frustrated.

"Charlie I know, but if I don't say anything you won't." He said, laying down next to me. 

"I'm trying to keep it together. It's so hard." I said, breaking.

"I know. You don't have to keep it together. Not for me. You know that." Kaner said, pulling me to lay on his chest. 

All I could do was cry. Kaner rubbed my back, while tears silently fell. 

After I talked to my dad, Kaner took me out. It was our favorite bar. 

We went to the back room, and I couldn't believe it. The team was there for me. Everyone. 

I threw my hands over my mouth, I couldn't believe it. 

Shawzie, Bollig, and Bicks caught me in the middle of a group hug. They all towered over me, and I laughed. 

Everyone else greater me, and finally a got a hug and kiss from my gorgeous fiancé. 

"We know things have been hard for you, and so we wanted to get you wasted." Bollig announced, holding up a beer. 

"To our beautiful Charlie. The strongest, most wonderful person I've ever been blessed to know!" Kaner said, holding up his own beer. 


The hangover made me feel more alive that I had for weeks. It was almost refreshing. Of course plenty of the guys crashed at the apartment. I decided to make them breakfast. 

Bollsy was passed out in his favorite love seat, Crow was in the theater, Shaw was just on the floor, Saader was in a recliner, and Kaner was in his bed. 

I walked down to the closet market, and got eggs, potatoes, bacon, and cinnamon rolls. I started breakfast as soon as I got back, and hoped I wouldn't have to wake anyone up. The thought of waking up a bunch of hockey players was one thing in this world that scared me. 

I started cooking up as much, and as quickly as I could. I sipped my coffee, and finished up breakfast. No one woke up yet, so I was going to wake my favorite up first.

I walked into our room quietly, I didn't want to wake him quickly. I knew he had been just as exhausted as I was. I crawled in bed, and put my cold feet on his bare legs. 

Jon began to stir, and his eyebrows were furrowed. I rubbed his abs with my hand and played with some of his hair with my other hand. 

"Jonathan Bryan Toews." I whispered in his ear, my breath tickling his ear. 

He groaned, and turned away from me. 

"Captain Serious?" I tried, running my fingertips over his sides, where I knew he was ticklish.

He groaned again, turned over and pulled me closer. 

"Love of my life?" and I knew I had him.

"Yes beautiful?" he mumbled. 

"I made breakfast. And I want you to be the first to have some, because I love you the most. I love you a lot Mr. Toews." I kissed his nose. 

"I love you, future Mrs. Toews. And I guess there's been worse things to wake up to than my beautiful bride to be, and some breakfast." Jon said, finally looking at me. 

He got dressed, and I went back out to my coffee, and made myself a small plate. 

Cinnamon rolls were my weakness, so I took a few, and made myself some toast. 

The boys woke one by one, and everyone enjoyed breakfast. 

My dad was right. This was my new home, and this was my new family. It may have been a little unconventional, yes, but it was my family and I loved it. Every minute of it.

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