Author Note

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Hey guys. 

First off I want to apologize for not updating this week. I've posted everything I have wrote to date, which is exciting, but that means I have to write a lot before I can post again. 

This week has been hell for me. My work is a constant hell, that makes me extremely unhappy. My other story is loosely based off my work life. Also the depression. 

Everyday I wanted to come home and write, but I couldn't. I went an laid down and slept. Because that's all I can manage when I get home from work. 

Please don't this as an excuse, but as an explaination for my lack of posting. 

It is coming. I assure you. I have plenty more ideas in my stories, but I have not put them down yet. Trust that I will update this upcoming week. 

Please don't give up on me.

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