Chapter Fifteen.

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So I went to the Chicago game in Columbus last friday, and it was, pardon my french, FUCKING AMAZEBALLS. Definitely not the same atmosphere as the UC, but it is my second favorite stadium next to the UC. Anyways, it was amazing. Even though there were no Kane or Toews, but the boys played well. Okay on with the story!


As much as I love my job, I hate it at the same time. I got called down halfway through the second period. Smith had taken a slap shot to the ankle, and it had broken it, so I had to be the training staff for the bench. That mean I had to actually stand beside the back-up goalie. A couple of the guys had noticed my presence, and I could hear the whispers. These guys were seriously worse than girls when it came to gossip. The assistant coach told them to focus up, and the whispers stopped. I had to pay attention to the game so I didn't get hit with a puck, but I could feel eyes on me from time to time.

Coach tore into the boys at intermission due to the lack of focus, and the fact that they were losing. I sat down on a random chair, and played with my split ends. I just couldn't smile. Nothing in me was happy, and I don't think I could fake a smile if I tried.

Once intermission was over, I stood by the door, and waited for the boys to get out there, so I could take my spot back. A couple of the boys acknowledged me , and Kaner lightly hit me with his glove and gave me a quick "love you". Jon was the last out. He stopped in front of me, but I looked at my feet and shook my head, and he made his way out. This was far from the right time to do this. I went and stood back in my spot, and watched the rest of the game. A few minutes into the period, Jon started to get into a shoving match with one of the players. A few punches later, and Jon was being escorted into the locker room to get some stitches to his eyebrow.

The very next play a puck came flying at me, and I blocked it with my hand. So I was waiting to have it looked at by the same medic that was stitching up Jon.

I sat down in one of the chairs, and watched Jon get stitched up. He hadn't seen me yet, and I was trying my hardest to not to let him see me. A few moments later he was done.

He hopped down, and I thought I had gotten by, but he saw me.

"Charlie, what's wrong?" Jon said, coming over to me.

"Puck came up, and I blocked it, but I need to have my hand looked at." I said quietly.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He said lightly taking my hand in his.

"Yeah. I'll be okay." I said, slightly wincing at he touched a couple of my fingers.

"Do you want me to stay with you." He said letting go of my hand.

"No. You need to get back out there. They need you." I said softly.

"But do you need me?" He asked, trying to look me in the eyes.

"No." I said, barely audible.

He left a kiss on the top of my head, and made his way out.

The medic looked at my hand, and figured I had broken it. Seeing as though I had to finish the game, I promised I would go get an x-ray after.

He wrapped up my hand, and I made my way back to the bench. There had been a huge turn around since I had been gone, and both Jon and Kaner had gotten goals.

Coach had came over and checked on me, and I assured him I was okay. They ended up winning, so spirits were high in the locker room. Kaner had immediately checked on me, and I let him know he needed to drive me to the hospital.

I went and got my things from my office, and waited for Kaner outside of the locker room.

I was shocked when Jon came out instead.

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