Chapter Six.

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I woke up feeling weird. Really weird. Shocking, I had no texts. I was even more sore than after playing.     

I went into work, and chose to stay to myself. Max had an appointment with his wife, so it was just me. Hjammerson was my only guy, and he was pretty quiet, so it was an easy day. I had gathered up my things, and was heading out to my truck. I certainly wasn't training today for many reasons. I was almost to my truck when I heard my name being yelled.

I kept walking, and got in my truck. I had thought I had gotten away, before I heard a tapping on my window.

"Charlie. Roll your window down." Kaner said.

"Go away!" I said angrily.

"Talk to me." Kaner pleaded.

"No. Please go away." I shook my head, turning on my truck.

I thought he had left, until I heard my passenger door open, and Kaner hopped in.

"Get out of my car!" I yelled.

"No. You're gonna listen to me." 

"What? The fact that you completely blew me off yesterday. You had literally told me the day before that you missed me, then you blew me off. Explain to me why I should listen to you!" I demanded, tears stinging my eyes.

I was literally just with my family who cared about me, and would kill to hang out with me every day. But instead I get to be here with a bunch of guys who call themselves my friends, but treat me like shit.

"I couldn't face you knowing what I did, because I didn't want to hurt you." 

"What are you talking about?"  A thousand thoughts starting attacking my brain.

"Charlie, I'm sorry." 

"Just tell me!" I exclaimed.

"Tazer started hanging out with his old girlfriend. She stayed the night the other night, and they went out a couple times when you were gone. I knew he was talking to her again, but I didn't think it was going anywhere. I just didn't want to see you coming back, and bring you down. I know you were happy being home, and I didn't want to take that away from you. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." Kaner said. You could tell this was really hurting him to tell me this. But that didn't make it any easier to hear.

The tears were welling up, threatening to spill over. I hated crying. Absolutely hated it. I hated feeling weak.

"Charlie I'm so sorry." Kaner shook his head.

"I want to go home." I said, still trying to keep my tears in. If he didn't leave now, he was gonna see me cry, and that would make everything worse.

"Come over. Me and a couple of the guys are gonna watch some movies and drink." he offered.

"Why would I come over to face Jon, after what you just told me?" I questioned, tears slowly falling down my face.

"He's not gonna be home tonight. He said he was busy all night. And I got your back if he does come home. I don't want you to go home and dwell on this. And I really did miss you and I really want to hang out with you tonight." he insisted, wiping away a couple of my tears.

"Fine. But if he comes home, you better get me the hell out of there." I warned, wiping away my own tears.

I followed Kaner back to his place, and we headed up to his apartment.

Kaner ordered in some Japanese food and some sushi. We set up camp in the theater with all of our food, and some beer, and started watching cheesy horror films. It was another one of the things we had in common. Some of the boys slowly started coming. First Crawford showed up, the Shawzer and Bicks, Sharpie came over, because his wife and kid were out of town, and finally Bollig. By the time Bollig came, me and Kaner were wasted. We had eaten all of our food, and decided the only logical thing was to play beer pong. Yeah it was kind of high school of us, but it sounded AMAZING.

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