Chapter Thirty-One.

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Things get a little, heated in this one, but I hope I don't make anyone uncomfortable with it. I keep it pretty pg-13. hahah. 

Anyways, this should give some insight on how Charlie feels about Jon still. 

Thank you, as always. And keep an eye out because I might just dedicate a chapter to you next!


I walked away and smiled down at my feet. He was really cute, and I deserved to have some fun. 

The closer I got to the locker room, the more I thought about the fact that Jon was going to be in there. I tried to get the thought out of my head, and ignore it, but it just kept eating away at me. 

I stood in front of the locker room, and held back going in.

The man I once loved, was now causing me so much pain. 

But I still loved him. Nothing could change that. Even through all the shit, I still thought about all the times he was there for me, and made sure I was taken care of. He used to talk to my dad and check in on my family. 

Charlie, listen to me. That man loves you. You have no idea all the things he does for you. He has kept in contact with me and your brothers since we've met him. I knew you were in Canada to meet his family, because he asked our permission to take you. He has talked to me on several occasions about how he cares about you and he never knows how to show it.


My dad's words echoing through my head as if he just said it to me. Boys were stupid. I knew that, but this was beyond me. 

The door opened, and I jumped back and quickly apologized.

"It's cool Charlie. Are you okay?" Bickell asked.

"Yeah. Just thinking." I said, the worry never ceasing in my face or my voice.

"I know you're going through a lot. It's been hard on all of us to see what's been going on, especially with your cancer. Congrats by the way. I knew you would get through it." He smiled at me. "Jon cares about you. Even when he was with that ice girl, you could tell he wasn't happy. I had never seen him happier than when he was with you."

"But he left me." I said, in almost a whisper.

"I know. But it hurts you both to be apart. You need to learn how to be together." he said.

"Thanks Bicks." I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"Anytime Charlie." He hugged me back, and left a peck on the top of my head.

I took a deep breath, and headed into the locker room. I was still going out with Zach, because I could.

I walked in, waved to a couple guys, and sat next to Kaner.

"Hey. Great game." I smiled at him. 

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