Chapter Twelve.

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Getting ready for work was no easy feat. I sat down at my vanity, which the boys had so kindly got me to do my make-up and hair. I got my polo on, and took off my cast, and slipped into my skinny khakis. I put my cast back on, and looked in the mirror. It was almost comical. I was so tiny, and the walking cast seemed huge. They even gave me the smaller kids one.

Once I was ready, I made my way out to the living room to the guys waiting.

"God she even looks good in a cast." Kaner laughed. They were both dressed up in their game day suits, and looked very handsome as always.

"Shut up." I said, struggling with my crutches. "God I hate these things."

I was so frustrated and I had only had these for a couple days, but every time I went without them, the guys got on me.

It was Kaner's turn to drive, so we took his Escalade. We got to the arena, and I went to my office for awhile to talk to Liam on the phone. Everything was going good back home, except Dad being sick. He had always had some medical problems and was at high risk of having cancer, so we were always very cautious. Once I knew all the interviews were over, and the boys had come back in from warm ups, I headed to the locker room.

I was greeted with the stench of hockey sweat. I walked in and over to a seat that was tucked away in the corner. I knew that if the guys saw me standing longer than I had to, it would be my ass later. They were a couple of women.

"Charlie! How are you doing?" Bollig asked from his spot.

"I'm okay. My head doesn't hurt anymore, and my leg is fine." I smiled at him. I turned and parted the hair near my stitches so he could see.

I heard an audible intake of breath from several people. It looked worse than it actually was.

"Glad you're okay." Coach Q said.

I really loved my job.

Coach gave his last talk before they hit the ice. Tazer gave me a wink, before he headed out, and I made my way down the hallway. I guilt tripped the other staff so I could have the best spot, just behind the equipment manager.

The game was awesome. At the end when they won, I got to stand in the hallway and high five all the guys. I got to watch all the post game interviews, and finally had to wait for the guys to get showered and changed. This was the only part I hated about riding all together. I laid down in the training room that attached to the locker room, and passed out.

I woke up to a light kiss left on my forehead. I opened my eyes, and adjusted them to the light to see Jon.

"Hey. You all ready to go?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Sorry I was just tired." I said sitting up and stretching, my stomach slightly showing in the process.

"You're so beautiful." Jon said with a smile, helping me down off the bench.

"Stop it. I just woke up." I said covering my face. I knew I probably looked like a mess, but I was used to him seeing me like this so I didn't really mind.

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