Chapter Two.

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"Jon? As in Jonathan Toews?" I said staring wide eyed.

"You were pretty messed up last night then." He laughed.

"Uh yeah, I guess so" My cheeks blushing as red as their jerseys.

"Guess you'll be seeing me around a lot more often, huh?" He said offering up a cocky grin and skating away.

I rushed off the bench to catch up with Max.

"What was that all about?" Max asked with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, just a super embarrassing moment. That's all." I said, shaking my head.

"Didn't seem like nothing." Max said as we reached our office.

"My brothers took me out for a drink last night and it turned into a couple drinks..and shots." I said, my face turning red. "And Jon-I mean Jonathan Toews bought me a drink."

"Drinking isn't a crime." Max laughed.

"That's embarrassing though. But anyways what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well, we wait until after practice and training, and we have a couple of the guys to work on. Until then, you can get settled in, or check out the facilities." Max said, walking into his office.

I unpacked some pictures of my family, and some other stuff in my office.  I wondered around the facilities and found their training room. It was amazing. I would definitely have to ask about using that. I, somehow, found my way back just in time.

"Charlie, you're going to be working on Patrick Kane. He said he tweaked his knee and it just doesn't feel right so do your thing!" Max said.

Here we go. Now or never.

I walk over to Patrick Kane and took a deep breath.

"Hi. I'm Charlie and I'll be working on you today" I said in the least shaky voice I can muster.

"I'm Patrick, but you can call me Kaner. Everyone does." He said, giving me his world famous smile.

I stretched out his knee in silence, and I just focused on my work more so than who I was working on.

"So you like tequila?" Kaner asked, breaking the silence.

"What?" I said, stopping suddenly.

"Patron was it?" he said, a huge grin forming across face.

"Mmhmm" I said, trying to hide my bright red face.

"I'll have to keep that in mind." he grinned.

"Please don't." I said, laying his leg down gently, and went to take some notes.

"How can one simply forget that?!" Kaner asked, sitting up.

"I don't know. You're good to go." I said, filing the paperwork and trying to tone down the red on my face.

"See you tomorrow Charlie" Kaner smiled at me before walking out.

I cleaned up and waited for Max to finish up with Emery.

"So are we allowed to use their training facilities?" I asked, hopeful.

"Yeah, as long as they aren't having team training, which is right after practice, you should be fine. Some of the guys might be in there still, but go for it." Max said, filing his paperwork.

"Would it be cool if I went now then?" I asked. For me, nothing feels better after a bad hangover than working out.

Max nodded and we said our goodbyes. I grabbed my clothes out of my messenger bag and walked to their gym. I found a women's restroom to change in, and headed in to workout.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now