Chapter Twenty-One.

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So that sucked eh? Anyways, I stayed up way past my bedtime, and ignored my guy for a few hours to knock this one out. So I hope you enjoy it. Happier times are on their way, so enjoy every up and down of this story. As always, thank you.


It didn't seem real. Everything I had been doing was almost robotic, I was surprised no one was asking if I was still human. He looked like one of those wax figurines at that famous place in Las Vegas. What was it called? Madam something. I would have to look that up. I touched his hand slightly, just to see, and I still wasn't fully convinced that it was actually him. All I had to go off of was the word of my brothers that this was real.

Everything was white noise from the second I got the call. People kept hugging me, and asking if I was okay. They kept saying sorry. It wasn't their fault. Why did they keep saying sorry?

"You've grown so much." No shit.

"You look so much like your mother. So beautiful." Yeah usually kids look like their parents. It's a little thing called genetics.

"He loved you very much. He was so proud of you." Gee really?! He never told me himself. Never once told me he loved me. Thanks so much for letting me know that.

I kept a fake smile on my face to be nice, but I just wanted to sit in a corner, and not talk to anyone. I didn't see the point of any of this. It was just depressing. My dad was finally with my mom, out of pain, and I knew he would hate this whole thing. He hated things to be focused on him. Especially if it hurt his kids.

"Charlie, there's some people that want to talk to you." Marcus said, coming to my corner.

"Marcus, I've said hi to everyone twice. Just flaunt Matthew, and please just leave me alone." I said, leaning into Liam.

"Charlie, please?" He said, exhausted. I swear he aged 5 years in just a few days.

"I will tomorrow, okay? I'm really jet-lagged." I said, closing my eyes.

"Okay." Marcus said, leaving a kiss on the top of my head, before returning to the viewing.

"Why are we even doing this?" Liam asked, sighing deeply.

"Because it's a sick social norm, that Aunt Lisa would never let us skip. God forbid she not get the chance to have all of the attention on her. You would think she was a grieving widow, instead of a sister who only saw her brother once a year." I rolled my eyes.

"I thought Jon and Kaner were gonna be here." Liam asked, rubbing his thumb over my shoulder.

"They tried to get off, but 'people' are starting to get angry, and they can't miss any games unless they are sick or injured. Coach feels bad, but his hands are tied. I get it. But it still sucks. But it's nice to spend time with you kid." I explained.

The boys were very respectful. They weren't going to text me, because they thought I should have time with just my family.

Once their game was done tonight, they were going to take the redeye in, and stay at my dad's house.

The thought of my bed made me yawn.

"You don't have to stay the whole time. We could go home." Liam said, noticing my fatigue.

"I don't want to get in trouble with Shaun and Marcus." I laughed.

"Who cares what they think? If you don't want to be here, you shouldn't have to be." Liam said, looking at his phone. We still had two hours of this left, and I couldn't imagine staying for too much longer.

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