Chapter Seven.

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I hate the sun. I absolutely hate it.

Someone had forgot to close the curtains, so as I woke up with literally the worst hangover of my life, the sun was going straight into my eyes. I moaned in pain. I felt sick to my stomach, and my head was pounding.

I rolled over, and noticed some water and pills sitting on the night stand. The last thing I remembered was getting into the hot tub.

I took the pills, and slowly made my way out of the room. I was still in my swimsuit, so I wrapped one of their fancy blankets around me. I walked to the kitchen. Bollig was sitting at the breakfast bar, sipping some coffee.

I followed suit, and poured myself a glass of black coffee.

"Interesting night last night." I heard Bollig grumble.

"Was it? I don't remember." I chuckled, until the pounding in my head made me stop.

"You're hilarious." Bollig shook his head.

"Who's gonna make breakfast." Bicks said coming and laying his head on my shoulder, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"HA! Very funny." I said taking another drink, then realize all the guys were giving me the same look. "FINE." I dragged myself off the stool, and into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I made up some bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

Let me tell you, that is not a simple task when you are hungover. I kept having to stop and take a break, so I wouldn't puke on the food. Also I was freezing, because I couldn't cook with a blanket on, and I had no idea where my clothes ended up, so I was cooking in my bikini.

Jon had made his way out during one part of my cooking, and sat silently, as the other guys joked around with me.

"Charlie, can  you give me tips on how to get a killer ass like you?" Shawzer asked, getting all the guys laughing.

The only thing that made me feel self conscious was the Jon thing. Other than that I was really confident in my body. Which helped when cooking in a bikini.

"Bicks, you should get some tips for how to have actual abs from her. Clearly she knows something you don't" Bollig joked.

The boys all dug into the food, including Jon. I didn't eat, because I still felt like crap. I had made sure the boys had left food for Kaner, and sure enough halfway through them eating, Kaner came out, with a blanket wrapped around him.

He came straight up to me, and wrapped his arms, and his blanket around me.

"Aren't you freezing?" He asked, groggily.

"Yeah, but I don't know where my clothes are." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"My room. I figured you would just make your way in last night." He chuckled softly, and kissed the top of my head.

"I somehow made it into the guest bedroom. Didn't you leave me some water and medicine this morning?" I asked, remembering my special gift this morning.

"No. I literally just woke up." He explained.

"Weird." I shrugged, breaking away from him, and picking my own blanket up.

I made my way back to Kaner's room, and borrowed some clothes because all of mine smelled like beer. I took a shower in Kaner's shower, and got dressed. I still felt like shit, but my headache was gone.

I went back out, and Kaner was sitting on one of the sofas, while Jon cleaned up the kitchen. I went over and sat down with Kaner, laying my head on his shoulder.

"The guys left. Told me to tell you they said bye and to feel better." Kaner said.

"I should probably head home, too. That way when I die, I'll die in my own home." I giggled.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now