Chapter Four.

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The next day flew by. Max worked with me for a long time trying to get me ready for traveling. I didn't even get to work with Kaner. It was so weird not seeing them. Sadly, I had already gotten attached to the guys. But I was really excited about traveling with them.

That night I packed up like half of my apartment. The team gave me a really awesome luggage bag, which I had stuffed full. I was all set and ready to go. I got to Midway Airport an hour before they told me to out of nerves. I sat and listened to music, and people watched. Most of the guys got there late. But Jon was early.

When he walked in, I waved at him to get his attention, but he must not have seen me because he just walked past. After two hours of waiting for everyone to get there, and get the flight taken care of, I decided to go over and talk to the guys. Jon was sitting by himself, so I went and sat next to him. He looked really serious, but I know that's what they call him.

"Hey . How's it going?" I said, smiling widely at him. 

"Fine." He grumbled, his eyes straight in front of him, not looking my way.

"Are you sure?" I asked, suddenly unsure of everything up to this point of knowing him. What had I done?

"Yeah. Can you just go away, please?" He said, annoyed, glaring at me.

"Yeah. Sorry I bothered you." I mumbled, my voice quivering, as I quickly moved away from him. 

Just because he was serious didn't mean he needed to be a dick about it.

I walked back over to the seat I was in before, and texted Liam.


            Forget anything I said about Toews. Just completely blew me off. So fuck that. I'm over it though. Miss you.

I put my feet up on the chair, and hugged them to my chest and laid my head on my knees.

I had only been in Chicago for a week and just like that I was homesick and lonely. I didn't want to bother any of the other guys for fear that they would act the exact same way. Maybe away games were difficult for them or something. But all I knew is I was going to stay away from them.

After another hour, it was time to leave. I followed the teams trainer, Brent,  through the gates. He was kind, and even offered to let me sit with him. It was a 4 and a half hour flight, and I didn't stop thinking the entire way there. About everything that had happened the last few days, about my family, and about my job.

Maybe it wasn't fair for me to assume the rest of the guys were gonna treat me the same, but why would I risk it? I wasn't a punching bag. I was a person. And I am not gonna put up with that.

Once we got to LAX, the guys went to the arena, and the trainers went to the hotel.

Lucky for me, being a girl meant I got my own room. With a king size bed, and a Jacuzzi tub.

I got dressed in my uniform, a white polo with the Blackhawks logo, and black pants, and prepared myself mentally to sit through the game.

They took us to the arena around game time, and gave us semi decent seats. All the players had been cleared for PT, so I didn't have to do anything before the game. I was more-so there in case someone got hurt, or flared up an old injury. I sat with one of the team security team members. The Blackhawks won, and the LA fans were angry. Long story short, I got punched in the face. And I felt the black eye coming on. They sent me back to the hotel early, and made me rest with a ice pack on my face. I could feel the bruise forming though. It really freaking hurt.

It was about one in the morning and I was watching tv, unable to sleep with the stress of the day weighing on me. A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now