Chapter Thirty-Six.

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I yawned at breakfast. I couldn't stop. I hardly got any sleep and I had a long day ahead of me. Zach had to leave early this morning, because he had practice, and I missed him already.

"You look like shit." Kaner said, setting his plate down and sitting next to me. 

"Gee thanks." I said, sipping on my tea. 

"But really what's wrong?" he said, taking a bite of his eggs. 

"Oh nothing. The never-ending saga of Tazer and Charlie." I said rolling my eyes. 

"What'd he do this time?" He said, his voice just as excited as mine. 

"Zach came over and we were just watching a movie, and a drunken Jon came to 'make up' and he got pissed. Said I've been fucking a bunch of guys. Sweet huh?" I said, stealing some fruit off his plate. 

"I really don't like him sometimes." Kaner said, clearly upset by the way I was being treated.

"It's whatever. He's an idiot. I'd be more surprised if he hadn't done anything to screw it up so far." I said, munching on the food I stole. 

"That's very true." Kaner said with a laugh.

I had a few staff meetings today going over conduct on the road, and different things. Apparently when I had been gone there were a lot of problems with certain people on staff, and so they were making everyone go to the meetings. 

Kaner and I parted way, and I went and endured four hours worth of meetings with different people. By the time it was over, I was more than ready for nap time. 

I made my way up to my room, and saw Jon sitting outside of my room, and I sighed. 

He stood up quickly once he saw me and straightened himself out.

"Charlie. About last night, I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I honestly didn't mean it." he said. 

I could tell he felt awful, but today I wasn't in the mood to budge. 

"I understand that, but I'm not gonna just say it's okay and move on. What you did was extremely rude and disrespectful. I care about you more than I care about most people. And when you do this it hurts me. So I do not forgive you, and you just set us back so freaking far." I said, going around him, and going into my room. 

I knew better than to walk away, but at this point, there was nothing that I could do to protect myself than to just walk away. 

I laid down to bed, and all too quickly I was out. 


 Waking up from my nap was rough. I really didn't feel good, and standing through a game seemed more than I was up for, but I didn't want anyone overreacting, which was all too inevitable, so I decided to just suck it up, and deal with it. 

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now