The Color Of Love. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I sat in second period bored out of my mind. The bell had not rung and everybody hadn't arrived yet. I had looked over the books I checked out and decided on doing an innovation on a technology that could reproduce semen so that men who were not capable of production could have children, so we would have to write a report on this and design a tool or whatever technology we would be using and then we had to do some type of case study. I scribbled most of my ideas down on a sheet of notebook paper. The bell rung and I looked up to see that Jake was sitting next to me. Mrs. Barker told everybody to get in their groups. She said that we would work on the project for a week in class and then we would be on our own.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I replied

"So what do you want to do for this project, you got any ideas" He asked I told him all my ideas and what we could do.

"Sounds good I guess, so are you trying to get pregnant?" He asked

"What No!" I shouted. The whole class turned to look at us. Jake laughed and I lowered my head due to embarrassment.

"Calm down I was just saying most people relate stuff like this to their selves and I was just asking, maybe your guy's soldiers weren't marching" He said still stifling a laugh

"Very funny" I said with sarcasm "I'm seventeen, why would I want to be pregnant?" I asked

"There are a lot of seventeen year old girls wanting to get pregnant, that's the kind of world we live in" He replied

"Anyways do you want to go with this idea or not?" I asked

 "I'm fine with it "he replied

Jake and I sat in class and planned out a lot of stuff for our project. We were still planning when the bell rung. Dang that was quick it hadn't felt like we were in class that long.

"What are you doing after school today?" I asked him as we walked out the door.

"Nothing, why?"

"Do you want to work on the project?"

"You are all about this project aren't you?"

"What do you mean" I asked

"You already got ideas, you’re eager to work on it and you cussed me out yesterday about it" he stated

"What I did not cuss you out, you told me you would be there and you weren't so you wasted my time, and I don't want to wait until the last minute plus I'm grounded so I got nothing else to do." I informed him.

"So you're grounded and you want to take it out on me and make me suffer by making me work on the project with you" He asked

"I'm not making you do anything I asked you, and I didn't pick you as a partner. If it was up to me, we wouldn't be talking right now"

"Whatever it's cool"

"Okay meet me after school, you can come to my house and you're following me there so you won't ditch"

"Okay, whatever"

After school I met up with Jake in the parking lot and he followed me to my house. I really didn't care for Jake, he wasn't the type of guy I would hang out, but I must admit I was glad he said yes to working on the project because I would be bored out of my mind at home and I wanted to go ahead and get this project finished. I got out the car, unlocked the door and went inside my house. Jake followed.

"Where are your parents?" he asked

"There out of town" I replied

"I thought you were grounded"

"I am"

"So you're grounded and your parents are out of town, why won't you just leave and do whatever you want?" He inquired.

"Because my parents have eyes watching me, they know a lot of people in this neighborhood and town. I would be screwed from the get go.” I responded

I walked into my room and turned on the computer and took out all the books I checked out. I sat on the floor beside my bed while Jake stood.

"Why are you standing, sit down" I kind of demanded

"It's kind of weird"

"What Is?" I asked confused.

"Being in a black girl's room" I busted out laughing. He was so stupid.

"What the hell? Jake don't let Mrs. Barker's statements be true, we aren't really that segregated" I told him.

"We kind of are Alyssa" he replied.

"No… were not I don't have any problems with white people" I stated. I waited for some type of response but he said nothing.

"Do you have problems with us?" I asked a little bit hurt and you could definitely hear it in my voice.

"No not with you personally, it's just that you guys think that yall are badder than us and you all think that you run this school basically" he stated.

"We do not!" I replied

"Maybe you don't but most of the people in your crowd do"

"Jake we are all equal we don't feel that way"

"You can say that for yourself, but you can't speak for everybody else because not everybody feels that way" I thought about it for a moment. Was Mrs. Barker right did we really segregate ourselves?

Around eight o clock Jake ended up leaving. We basically didn't get any work done because all we talked about was racism and segregation at our school. Our views were definitely very different.

The next day I arrived at school early. Lyci said she had something really important to talk to me about and that I needed to get to school a.s.a.p. I got to school and saw her waiting by her car I parked next to her and got out.

"What was so important that I had to be here so early" I asked in a bored tone

"You had sex with Trevon?" she said frantically

"What no, you know I wouldn't do that" I definitely wasn't bored anymore. Trevon and I weren’t even dating. Why would I have sex with him?

"I thought so, he said that you guys had sex and it's all around the school" What? I had a reputation that I needed to keep and him mentioning us having sex was definitely not going to help it whatsoever.

"You're lying" I said

"Nope Marco told me and he said that some guys were talking about it." I can't believe Trevon would do that even if we did have sex which we didn’t. I wouldn't expect for him to go share it with everyone and just put all of our business out there.

"Why would he do that?" I asked angrily. I was mad and frustrated that he would lie about us like that.

"Because he's an ass and a player. Don't worry about it; forget about him". Lyci gave me a hug and then I told her I was going to class. I sat in first period waiting for the bell to ring. Nobody said anything to me or about me from what I could hear, but you knew what they were thinking and that they believed  the rumors that were going around. It was in the way people looked at me differently like I was a whore. The rest of the day went by slower than ever, like time had been slowed down from a run to a jog. I was quiet for the rest of the day. I avoided everybody except Lyci. I especially avoided Trevon, I didn't know exactly what to say to him or how to respond if he said something to me

I made my way home  and jumped in the shower. Jake and I weren't working on the project today so I went straight to bed. That’s all I wanted to do anyways.

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