The Race For Love. Chapter 12

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I lay there next to a sleeping Alyssa while twirling my finger in her hair, a habit I had picked up so many years ago. She had been asleep for awhile now went meant she should be waking up soon. I got up from the bed and went into the kitchen to grab me a drink and make me a peanut butter sandwich. I ate the sandwich and went back into the room. Alyssa was no longer on the bed.

"Alyssa?" I called out.

"I'm in the bathroom." she replied. I laid on the bed and rested me head back on the people. I heard her come out and I looked towards her.

"Move from my spot Jake!" She said as she approached the bed.

"How is this your spot?" I asked.

"Because I was laying there," she muttered.

"It's my bed and I put you there." I told her.

"I don't care Jake, please just move." She said. I stood my ground and looked at her.

"You are such an ass!" she said as she came and tried to make room for her on "her" side of the bed. I didn't mind though. I loved being this close to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face into the back of her neck. I felt her shiver and I laughed.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Why am I here Jake, why did you want me to come down here?" she said

"Because I love you and I want you back?," I told her.

"You can't get me back Jake" She said. My heart ached every time she said those kind of words.

"Why Not?" I asked getting mad at the fact that she kept denying her feelings for me when she knew damn well that she loved me too.

"I'm married Jake!" she said raising her voice.

"To a bastard." I half-yelled. She said nothing.

"Why won't you leave him?" I asked her.

"I can't," was all she said.

"Yes you can!" I told her.

"No I can't Jake. I have nothing to lean back on. I have no job because he doesn't want me to work. He made me quit college so I have no degree in anything. I just have the basics. I have no money, all of it is his. He supplies everything and I'm definitely not going to my parents." she said.

"Alyssa I will help you, you can stay with me, and you know I don't mind. You know that I would do anything for you." I told her.

"I don't know that Jake." She said.

"You should," I told her. She let out a soft chuckle.

"Jake you wouldn't even stand up to your mom for me." she stated as she turning over on her back.

"What yea I did," I told her. "You don't know how much bullshit I got from her when we were dating. I even fought my dad for you. I gave up friends for you." I told her.

" None of that matters Jake and it was a waste because in the end you left me." she said.

"Alyssa...... I'm sorry but it wasn't for nothing. I would do it all over again." I told her.

"So if all that is true, why did you leave?" she asked looking into my eyes.

"Because I was stupid and I let my moms get to me. She told me that I wasn't her son anymore and that I wasn't a part of our family at all if I was with you. She told me that I shouldn't even come around anymore and I just took it to heart when she told me, because it surprised me and yea it then hurt, because she was disclaiming me, her own son." I said.

"Jake you could have talked to me, you could have told me what was wrong." She said.

"I know Alyssa. I should have but I had made my decision, the wrong decision at that". She turned her head and looked away from me.

"I'm sorry," I told her.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Yea," I replied.

"While we were together did you ever cheat on me?" She asked. "you can tell me the truth Jake. I promise I won't get mad I just want to know." she added.

"No I didn't. I wouldn't do that to you Alyssa." I told her. There was silence for a while until she broke it.

"Jake... how come you didn't choose me. I f you were so in love with me. Why didn't you choose me?"

"What? " I said a little confused.

"When you were in Alabama for your wedding and I came to your apartment, why didn't you go with me." She asked.

"My wedding was so close and all the arrangements were made and everybody had come down and I just didn't want to disappoint anybody" I told her.

"But you disappointed me, God Jake you don't know how bad you made me feel. You don't know how heartbroken I felt. I was so mad at you for putting me through all that just so you could leave." I sighed. I knew I had hurt her and I still felt so bad about it. I regretted it so much. The only things in life I regretted had to do with her. She was the only thing I care about. All I wanted was her back in my life.

"I'm sorry Alyssa." was all I could say.

"Don't worry about it. I just want to go back to sleep." She told me as he turned back over on her side facing away from me. I rewrapped my arm back around her waist and I was surprised when she didn't pull away from me or push my arm and I was even more surprised a few minutes later when she turned around, buried her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around my torso. I felt as if I had died and gone to heaven . I was definitely on cloud nine. Alyssa was the only girl that could take me that high. I was glad that she was starting to not fight her feelings for me because I needed her more than life itself. She was the other half that I had been missing all the years. That's why right now I felt so complete. I sighed in content as I positioned my arms around her into a comfortable position and then drifted off to sleep.

So umm I just curious lol.

Who thinks Jake should get Alyssa

and who thinks he shouldn't i just want to know

i think some people wont chris to get alyssa lol he will probably get another chance but something intervene, they are just not meant to be. srry if that was a spoiler to some people.

so let me know, i enjoy reading you guyz thoughts.

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