The Race For Love. Chapter 6

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New Chappie

once again sorry for the long wait

telll me what you think about the new book covers

i like them lol

this chapter may be short( srry)

jake lovers will probably like this chapter

jake-haters im so sorry especially to summer-loving( i know you hat jake with a passion)lol

umm vote/comment/fan



"Lyci," I called out as she walked to her car.

"What," she yelled.

"Does he really hit her?"


"So you have seen him hit her?" She sighed.

"No," she stated, "but Jake, if you see some of the bruises she has at times and the stupidest excuses she gives for them, you would understand." I sighed knowing that it was probably true that he was hitting her. If he was hitting her I would beat his ass, but she said that he wasn't. She had told me that she hated me. How could she say that? Did she really feel that way? That could not possibly be the way she feels. She knows I love her. How could you possibly hate somebody that loves you so much. My chest felt like it had been stomped on when those words left her mouth.

"Yea I feel you," I said.

"Jake, you have got to do something about it. She needs help," Lyci shouted.

"She doesn't want my help, she doesn't want anything to do with me. She just told me she hated me," I replied.

"Jake, don't give up on her," she demanded.

"I'm not." I said and it was the truth, I wasn't going to give up on her; I want her back because I love her. I had to get her out of that house with Trevon, maybe then she would come to her senses.

"Baby I'm sorry," Trevon told me as he reached out to touch me.

"Don't touch me. Leave me alone," I spat at him.

"Alyssa please-"

"Don't, just go." He sighed and walked away from me. A few moments later I heard the front door shut close and an engine being revved. I sighed and got up. My back ached from being thrown on the floor and against the wall. I went into the bathroom. I had bruises on my upper arms from when Trevon clenched his fist around my arms, and the right side of my eye was beginning to turn purple from where he had slapped me. I had stood up to Lyci and Jake, but it wasn't such a good idea to lash out at Trevon when he got home. He could get pretty angry and I knew it. I cut on the shower and removed my clothes; maybe the hot water would soothe my aching body.

I, once again, stood outside of Alyssa's house. I wasn't going to give up on her. Her and I were meant to be together and she knew it. I went to the door and knocked on it. I began to knock again when the door creaked open.

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