The Race For Love. Chapter 1

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4 years later

I looked across the table at my wife. She glanced back at me, her piercing blue eyes reading right through me. Her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. She glanced back down. I propped my arms up on the steel table. It felt cold against my skin and my body shuddered as a reaction. What had led to this point? How did we get here? I knew the answer to that, so why was I asking myself it. She knew the answer also, the answer applied to both of us. I listened as the lawyer spoke.

"You too can decide how you would like to split all profits made during-" he was cut off by my wife.

"We have already done and taken care of that" she interrupted

"Okay so before we go on are you sure you want to continue" he asked

"Yes " she replied

"Of course" I stated, trying to get rid of the knot in my stomach.

"Well continue on" he said gesturing to the papers that lay before us. I looked down at the papers. It basically said that me and my wife both wanted this and that we had come to agreeable terms. I looked at the bottom of the page where I was supposed to sign my signature. This was the right thing to do. This was the only choice. We were both in love with somebody else and we both knew it. I signed my name,

Jake Williams

There it was we were now officially divorced. I handed the papers to our lawyer. I looked across at my ex-wife. She smiled at me. I smiled back. We were both content with the divorce. It was a mutual agreement. We loved each other, just not in that way. I stood up and shook the lawyer's hand.

"Thanks for everything" I told him

"No Problem, it's my job" he replied. I walked out the door and Tiffany followed. As we were approaching our cars she spoke.

"You know I do love and care about you right?" she asked.

"Yea of course I feel the same way. It's just that we weren't meant for each other" I told her. She smiled and gave me a hug. I returned it.

"See you later Jakey, keep in touch okay?" she said

"You know it. Bye Tiff" I muttered before getting in my car. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror. I was starting with a clean slate. I was restarting my life. Well at least the love part and I already knew who I wanted to start it with. She was basically the love of my life and I missed out on her. I took her for granted. I treated her so bad and I regretted it so much. It was the only thing in my life I regretted. Hurting the girl I loved, but now I was determined to get that girl back. First I had to find her. I hadn't spoken to her in years and I didn't know if she lived in the same place. I cranked up my car. Wherever she was I was going to find her. This was going to be my race for love.

okay for those who havent figured it out yet. This is the sequel for the color of love. it hasn't been edited yet, so excuse all mistakes. Srry.

anyways be sure to vote if you like it and COMMENT to let me know what you think so far. So the more you guys want more the quicker i upload so be sure to comment saying ipdate soon lmao haha

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