The Color Of Love. Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I packed the last of my clothes in my suit case. I zipped it up and put it next to my other suitcases and boxes. I was tremendously happy because tomorrow I was moving in to my dorm and I would be in college. I stole a glance at the clock which read 12:53 am. I could not sleep because I was so excited. Mom and I were leaving at six and it would take about 12 hours to get down there. I had spent the last week with Lyci, since it would be awhile before I'd see her again. I told her we could talk on the internet and I would definitely call her and visit. I pulled out my phone that I had just gotten back two days ago and texted Jake.

Alyssa; I cnt wait 2 c u

I hadn't seen him since graduation and it had been hell not getting to spend anytime with him this whole summer. My parents still had me on a tight leash and they were glad that I was going to Florida, but that was because they didn't know that Jake was moving to the same city I was. But hey, what they don't know won't hurt them. I felt my phone vibrate.

Jake: Same here. I miss u

I smiled. I had to make myself go to sleep or tomorrow would never come. Jake was moving in tomorrow too, his parents were riding up with him. I looked at the clock, 1:04. Damn, this was going to take forever.


I said goodbye to my parents and walked back upstairs to my dorm which was pretty nice. It was only me and one other dude whose name was Chris; he was a tall black dude who played basketball for the school. We had our own room, bathroom, and closet so everything should work out fine. I went inside and went to my room.

"So where you from?" he asked standing at the door.

"Alabama, you?" I told him.

"Oh for real? That's what’s up. I’m from Miami.” He stated.

“You liking it down here so far?” He asked.

“It’s cool,” I replied. “ I haven’t been here long, but yea.”

“ So listen, there's a party tonight down the street; you can come if you want." He mentioined.

"Alright, I replied.

"So you got a girl?" He asked me.

"Yea, she should be coming over later today."

"Okay, cool. Bring her to the party too," he said. "Oh and if you ever hear screams coming from my room, do not call the cops, it's just me having fun." I laughed knowing what he was talking about. I started unpacking my things to keep myself busy and pass the time by.


After I finally got my mom to leave, I started to finish putting my things away. The dorm wasn't that bad; I had my own room but my roommate and I had to share the bathroom. I only hoped that she was clean. I hadn't met her yet because she wasn't here when I arrived, but her room was already decorated. She was a white girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and she was beautiful. She had pictures up all over her room and her name was Karen. I knew this because the letters hung above her bed. As I was finishing decorating my room I heard a door open and shut. I left my room to find the beautiful blonde-haired girl.

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