Keeping Our Love Chapter 14

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Sorry it's so short


The next morning I woke up and Jake was still asleep with his arm around me. I turned to face him slowly trying not to awake him. I stared at his sleeping figure. I loved him so much. I Slowly sat up and my body felt weak. Nausea overwhelmed me and I felt the bile rising. I quickly hopped out of the bed and hurried into the bathroom almost not making it.

I grabbed the edges of the toilet and threw up. Seconds later Jake was behind me grabbing my hair and rubbing soothing circles in my back. God I hate throwing up. It was the worst thing ever.  The feeling that arose from it was just so uncomfortable.

I slowly lifted my head away from the toilet.

"Are you done?" Jake asked. I was about to speak and then more came up causing me to jerk back over the toilet.

"I guess not." He said chuckling. I saw nothing funny. Here I was puking my brains out and he was laughing.

I finally finished and I leaned my head against the wall. Jake got up and grabbed a towel running it under the water. He ringed it out and then stooped back down to my level handing it to me. I wiped mouth and then laid my head on the floor. I felt horrible I think I had the flu.

Jake slid his hands under me and lifted me off from the floor. He carried me to the room and gently laid me on the bed.

"Are you okay" He asked.

"No" I muttered. He laughed.

"Stop laughing at me. Here I am sick with probably the flu or a stomach virus which is serious and you are laughing at me." I spat at him. He laughed some more. Ugh he was really getting on my nerves.

"Alyssa you're not sick." He told me as he sat down next to me.

"Shut up Jake and go away" I told him. He was making me mad and it was really annoying me. He smiled at me and it made me even madder.

"Alyssa you're pregnant" Jake told me.

"Jake go a----.... Wait what? No I'm not, throwing up, mood swings, my last period" I whispered to myself. I counted on my fingers.

"Holy shit, I'm pregnant." I said to myself. "Jake I'm pregnant" I said louder looking at him.. He laughed at me as a huge smile gleamed across his face.

"I know" He said. I stood up and started dancing. I no longer felt sick. Jake watched me with amusement on his face.

"We are going to have a baby, have a baby, a baby." I sang as I jumped on the bed and began to jump up and down. He laughed at me. I think I was happier than he was and he was the one who truly wanted a baby. Why was I so happy anyways? I don't even know, but the feeling that I felt right now was great.

"Jake we are having a baby, you're going to be a dad and I'm going to be a mom" I told him as I sat back down on the bed.  He smiled at me.

"I love you so much" He said before planting his lips on mine. He pulled away after a few seconds.

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