The Color Of Love. Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I walked into the classroom and went and sat in my seat next to Sean.

"Hey!," I said

"Hey" He said "Check this out, we have a project, the papers were on the desk when I got here." I took the paper from Sean hands examining it. We had a project that was due in less than three weeks. We had to look up and choose a famous court case. We had to pick a side and find flaws and principles in the lawyer’s statement, arguments, and defense. We also had to pick a partner.

"I guess you're my partner." I said to Sean.

"Cool when do you want to start?" he asked me.

"How about Monday," I told him

"Your place," he asked

"Yea that's fine, you want to check some books out to look for our case?"

"Yea I'll bring them to your house." he said

"Okay then we will definitely be making an A." I told him

I sat in my dorm with Jake. It was two o'clock in the morning and he was keeping me up.

"Jake stop!" I said pushing him away from me. He was kissing up and down my leg.

"Awww baby," he said coming from up under the covers.

"Jake quit it," I said laughing. "Come on we have to go to sleep." I rolled over and closed my eyes pretending to go to sleep. Jake's hand crept around my waist and up my shirt. He squeezed my boob.

"Jake!" I said slapping his head.

"Lyssa What the hell?" he said climbing on top of me and pinning my arms above my head.

"Jake let me go!" I said

"No!"' he replied

"What do you mean no, you better let me go." I demanded

"I'm definitely not going to let you go with an attitude like that." he said kissing my neck

"Mhmm Jake let me go." I moaned he laughed

"You really want me to let you go?" he said in between kisses.

"Uh huh," I got out

"I don't think you do, do you?"

"Yea I do."

"You do want me inside of you?" he said still kissing my neck.

"Uh huh," I replied he laughed.

"Okay my pleasure." he said planting his lips against mine. I immediately respond and stuck my tongue in his mouth not even bothering asking for entrance, but he didn't mind. His tongue swirled around with mine. Tonight was going to be a long night or maybe a long morning.

I lay across my bed looking through the books Sean had bought.

"What about Marbury v. Madison?" I asked him

"Naw everybody will think of that one." he replied

"Okay how about Plessy v, Ferguson?" I asked him

"Naw that's a well know one to." he stated

"Come on Sean you have to pick one of these." I begged

"How about Griswold v. Conneticut?" He asked

"I never heard of it, what is it about?" I asked

"It says a physician had been arrested for giving information about contraception to a married couple because Connecticut law prohibited the use of "any drug, medicinal article, or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception." The Court overturned the Connecticut law stating that it infringed upon people's right to privacy. This decision raised more questions concerning the unremunerated rights mentioned in the Ninth Amendment."

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