The Race For Love. Chapter 3

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"Who is it," she yelled causing my heart to race. I felt like a teenager all over again. What should I say? If I say 'Jake' would she even answer?

"Hold on I'm coming," she yelled out which pretty much saved me from stating who I was. I waited for her to answer the door. The knot in my stomach had pretty much turned itself into a pretzel; I was so nervous to see her again. I think I was more nervous to find out how she would react once she saw me. Then, I heard the doorknob turn and the door opened to reveal Alyssa.

Nothing had changed about her, she looked the exact same. The same girl I had fell in love with. From her caramel skin to her dark brown eyes, she had me mesmerized, my eyes roamed up and down her body. Her hourglass figure held my eyes hostage. I had forgotten completely that she could see my eyes scanning every part of her body.

"Jake," she said breaking me out of my trance.

"Alyssa", I gasped. I guess I wasn't as fully out of the trance as I thought. I shook my head. "Sorry," I muttered. "Hey,"

"Hey" she replied. This was an awkward moment and I had no clue on what to say to make this moment less awkward, so I was glad when she broke the silence.

"Jake... what are you doing here," she asked.

"I wanted to see you," I replied. "I mean, it's been a while." She turned her head and looked away from me.

"Can I come in," I asked.

"You think that's a good idea."

"Why wouldn't it be? We're just old friends catching up, right?"

"Yea sure, come on in." I walked into the house. The smell of a bakery hit me in the face reminding me that I was hungry. I wondered if she would go out to eat with me.

"Hey, come in the kitchen," she said as she walked around a corner. I followed her. "I was in the middle of baking a cake and I don't want to burn it." I watched as she pulled a circular pan out the oven and sat it down on the counter next to where the other layers of cake set.

"Chocolate... looks good," I said.

"Yea I'm almost done, so you will be able to try the finished product." I sat there and watched Alyssa finish up. Neither one of us said a word and it was kind of awkward. Once she was done she cut me and her slice and placing it on the plate, she brought it over to the table. I dug my fork into the cake and took a bite.

"This is good, you finally learned how to cook," I told her.

"Whatever Jake. I have always known how to cook," she said taking a bite of her cake. "So what brings you here?"

"I told you, I just came to visit," I lied.

"So you just came to visit, and after today you'll go back home," she questioned.

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