The Color Of Love. Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

School was horrible, it was no different from the confrontation with Jake's mom minus all the screaming. It was like when everybody thought I slept with Trevon but much worse. I got disapproving looks from everyone. I mean why was what we were doing so bad?

I walked through the courtyard and headed to second period. I went and sat by Lyci like I did every day.

"Hey Lyci" She didn't reply.

"Lyci?" I called out. She looked up then got up and moved to a new desk.

"Lyci seriously your my best friend" I said amazed that she would act this way.

"Not anymore" I heard her say. Those words felt like a stab to my heart. Lyci and I had been best friends since like first grade and we were now in our senior year. Was she really going to act like this and just throw all those years away? I mean I thought we were better than that. My eyes started to water. I got up abruptly and headed out the classroom and ran into Jake.

"Hey where are you going?" Jake said obviously not seeing my condition. Then the expression in his face changed so I guess he noticed

"Alyssa what's wrong?" he said worried" What happened?"

"I just want to go" I said walking away from him and heading towards the parking lot.

"Alyssa wait will you just talk to me?"

"Lyci's not my best friend anymore, hell she's not even a friend, she will barely talk to me." I said. He stopped and pondered on what I said.

"Lyssa, she wasn't a good friend then. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but maybe you don't need her"

"Jake she's my only friend" I shouted and it was true. Sure I talked to other people but not like I did to Lyci. We had kind of separated ourselves from others. 

"I know" he said pulling me into a hug. I pushed him away. How could he know? I was mad, pissed, sad, hurt, and angry. So many emotions were flying through me. I walked away from him and got in my car and drove off. I didn't go home because I knew he would go there. So I just drove. Where, I don't know, but I needed to get my mind right. About midnight I arrived home. My parent's car was there. Oh shit! I walked in the house; they were sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" my mom asked

"Out" I said

"With whom?" my dad asked

"No one I was alone” I said honestly.

"Don't lie to us Alyssa" my dad said forcefully.

"I'm not lying" I said

"Do you think we are stupid?" my dad asked "This is a small town Alyssa we've heard about everything that's happened" He looked at me expecting for me to say something, but I didn't.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked right back.

"You know what I mean about you and this boy"

"He's just a boy, like any other guy I've dated"

"No, he's white" he said it like it was poison.

"That shouldn't matter" I shouted

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me" he shouted

"You will not see him again" my dad added

"Dad we are working on a project. What do you expect us to do?"

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