The Color Of Love. Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next couple of days were the same. Going to school and "working on the project with Jake"  which was always amazing. I felt so complete with him and it was weird considering that never it a million years would I have pictured myself with him, even when the teacher first called out our names for the project.

I sat in my last block anticipating for the bell to ring. I was so ready to go and I was definitely ready to "work on the project" with Jake. The truth was that we had already finished our project and we were just hanging out but that was our little secret. These days I felt like I was keeping a lot of secrets.

 I looked at the clock one more minute. I hated my last block there was nobody I knew in there. It was like a waste of my time. Bring. Finally! I walked out to the courtyard looking for Josh. I didn't spot him anywhere. I was about to head to the parking lot. When somebody grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Damn. Alyssa you looking good in that skirt!" It was Trevon, why was he such an ass? I mean he must have had me in a trance or something because I didn't remember him being like this when we first started hanging out.

"You need to let me go" I said not wanting to deal with him right now

"And If I don't" he said with a smirk on his face, but i saw nothing funny. I wasn't kidding. I was dead serious. I tried to tear his hand away from my wrist, but that only resulted in him pressing me up against the wall.

"Trevon stop!" I commanded

"Why should I?" He said resting his hand on my thigh. Of all days why did I pick to wear a skirt this day? His hand roamed up my thigh under my skirt

"Get off!" I shouted pushing him back but he just pushed me back against the wall.

"Get off of her!" I heard someone say as Trevon was torn away from me.


What in the world did he think he was doing? He was obviously out of his mind. Could he not see that Alyssa didn't want him? I was getting angrier just thinking about it.

"Get off her!" I said pulling him off of her not even thinking twice.

"Mind your damn business white boy" He said walking back towards her.

"Are you fucking deaf step the fuck back!" I commanded standing in his way.

"Why do you care, all I'm going for is to fuck her, everybody knows she's easy" I was pissed and I couldn't control my actions and before I knew it my fist connected with his jaw. I mean how was I supposed to let him just talk about her like that.

"Jake!" I heard Alyssa shout. I hit him again and was mad when I couldn't get a third hit in because people were pulling me away. He rushed toward me but some of his friends grabbed him.

"Jake what the hell are you doing?" Tristan yelled at me confused. He was holding one of my arms while Will held the other. I ignored his question though. I wasn't in the mood for twenty-one questions. I looked around us a crowd had formed and each face was as shocked and confused as the one next to it. 

I pulled away from them and walked towards Alyssa. I grabbed her hands and started walking away. All while she said nothing, she was just as stunned as the rest of the onlookers looking on blankly.

"You fucking wait white boy you're going to get yours" Trevon yelled at me angrily while wiping blood from his lip. I turned around and stared at him as he held a death glare on me. Then a smirk grew upon my face and I did the unthinkable. I pulled Alyssa closer to me and I kissed her, in front of everybody. I could hear people gasping all around me but I didn't care. I pulled away and looked at Trevon with a smile on my face. I placed my hand on Alyssa ass and shot him a bird. I definitely felt much better now knowing that I had what he wanted. Well he was never going to get this, so he needed to get use to not having it. I grabbed Alyssa hands and pulled her to the parking lot and walked to her car.

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