The Color Of Love. Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next day was no different I got the same looks. I was definitely ready for this day to be over and when it was over I was more than glad. Afterwards I went home and picked up the books I checked out and all the things I needed for my project. I was working on it at Jake's house today. I texted my mom and told her what I was doing since there still was this thing call punishment. I arrived at Jake's house with a back pack full of books and knocked on the door. A white lady who looked to be in her late thirties answered. She had long dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes, which were really pretty. She had a slim figure that was meant to on a runway. She was beautiful and she looked way to good to be a mom, but I knew this was Jake's mom because there resemblance was strong.

"Hey, you must be Jake's partner. I'm his mom Patricia, but you can just call me Trish"

"Hey I'm Alyssa" I replied

"Nice to meet you, well Jake is in his room it's up the stairs and to the left." She said before walking away into another room. For the first time I glanced around the house. It was beautiful, very homey. It smelled of a bakery. It felt kind of like a Brady Bunch type of home. You know where the mom was always cooking and the kids were playing and dad always comes home shouting "Honey I'm Home". I laughed at the thought of this and continued scanning the house with my eyes. The colors were pastels like pink orange and yellow. You could tell they were picked out by Trish because no man would pick them, even though they were very girly I liked them. I walked up the stairs and went down the hall to my left. I knocked on the door.

"Come in" Jake shouted. I went in.

"Hey your late you were supposed to be here ten minutes ago, but I'm not going to cuss you out like you did me" he said with a smile playing against his lips while holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

"Whatever you need to let that go because I did not cuss you out, and anyways I had to stop at my house and pick up the stuff for the project" I took out all the stuff and gave it to Jake. He laid it out on a desk in his room.

"So where should we start, we got nothing done last time so this time let's try to stay on task and not talk about racism" I watched him speak and for some reason I was drawn to his tongue ring. Which is really weird? So out of know where I blurted out the words

"Did it hurt" not really meaning too.

"What?" he said looking at me like I was crazy.

"Did it hurt, your tongue piercing" I said once again

"Where did that come from?" he asked foolishly

"I don't know, can you just answer the damn question" I said getting aggravated

"Why do you want one?" he asked

"No" I replied stunned I was not the type of person to mess up my body by sticking holes in it everywhere.

"No it didn't hurt" He finally replied "What...... do you want to make out with me now?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to his desk.

"Oh yea I forgot white guys aren't as good as black guys." He stated.

"What?" I said not believing what he was saying.

"That's what you say right." Look at this he was the one saying let's not get on the racist subject and here he was talking about black guys and white guys shouldn’t he be talking about black girls and white girls.

"I've never said that" I said

"But you think it" he stated in a matter of fact tone

"No I don't and are you talking about sexually"

"Duh" he stated, this guy was starting to get on my nerves, maybe he was the one with the racist issues.

"Whatever I do not think that and I wouldn't know anyways"

"What does that mean?" he said curiously

"I wouldn't know how to compare a black guy to a white guy and anyways why should it matter color makes no different" I said to him. I see why Mrs. Barker thought that we were so ignorant.

"What do you mean you wouldn't know?"

"I've never had sex so I wouldn't know what to compare" I told him.

"Bullshit!" He declared

"What?" I asked surprised, did I look like I slept around?

"You heard me, everybody at school heard about you and Trevon. We are not in the same crowd but we know what goes on. Trust me!" Damn that was a hard hit. I knew people believed it and even though I already knew it hurt even more that it was confirmed. People thought of me as the girl who sleeps around with Trevon. I was so pissed and hurt that people thought I was so easy. I planned on never talking to Trevon again.

"No Jake I have never has sex before. You shouldn't listen to everything that goes around because it's not always true. Trevon lied, he's stupid and ignorant and I don't know why he said that" I said looking away feeling embarrassed that he thought I was a slut. I'm guessing Jake ended up sensing the sadness in my voice and that's why he ended up believing me.

"Oh, well I'm a virgin to" He said trying to lighten up the mood

"Now that is bullshit" I said

"What how do you expect me to believe you and you can't believe me?" he said faking like he was hurt.

"Because I know your lying, girls talk about you all the time"

"What do they say?" he asked curiously

"Oh my gosh Jake is so great in bed. I would definitely have his babies anytime. I could fuck him all night long and oh my gosh he does wonders with his tongue" I said in my best white girl voice he laughed as his face reddened. "And some of the girls who say are nothing but sluts so I don't see why you sleep with them"

"Like whom?" he asked curiously


"We don't sleep together anymore"

"Key word anymore" I stated

"Well she was my girlfriend for a while and we did have a friend with benefits relationship but it ended" He said trying to defend his statement.


"Why you want know?"

"Okay so now you're at a loss for words" I said eyeing him suspiciously.

"She gave me a STD, a curable one may I add, so I don't have it anymore." He clarified.

"What?" I said, she was definitely a whore.

"Yea I know right, so I ended it and I don't sleep around as much anymore and always use protection"

"Key word as much, so do you regret being with her" I asked

"Naw I never regret anything because at one point in time it’s what I wanted to do.” He informed me. I thought about it and then nodded accepting his answer.

"Alright, we are far off topic again so let's get back on subject and talk about this project." He stated. I nodded in agreement. I ended up leaving Jake's house around nine we somehow always ended up off subject from talking about the people at school, to celebrities, to food, to movies, to music. It was like we could talk forever on numerous subjects irrelevant subjects.

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