Chapter Four

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After about thirty minutes of resting, Dolly began to stir. Her ears and tail vanished and she looked refreshed and seemed in a better mood also. "Thanks for letting me nap on you, Natsume. I really needed it." He didn't respond, but took his silence as an answer. She checked her pocket watch and got up leaving the two boys. "Where you heading off too?" Ruka asked. She looked up, while her pet cat perched itself on her shoulder. "Today is my weekly tea party. Would you two like to come?" Ruka looked towards his fire Alice friend and declined. "Thanks for the offer, but we're going to have to decline." She nodded in understanding and continued to go meet up with her friends.

Once she got to their spot, she allowed Lucy to join the other pets. A tiny blue dragon and a red dragon with an eye patch. A miniature bear, with golden brown fur and red eyes played with a toy as twin bears with matching black fur and yellow eyes wrestled each other. Play fighting one another. She took a seat next to triplet neko girls, and watched as they fiddled with their instruments. "How's classical club going? You guys get any music yet?" She asked pouring the ready tea. "No. Not yet." The blue haired girl spoke. "We will be getting our music tomorrow. I can't wait!" The pink one said loudly. Dolly lightly laughed at their antics and saw the last of the group showing up. A tall teenage with blonde hair and red highlights, with and lip piercing that connects to his right ear. And an eye patch on right eye as well. And next to him, a slightly shorter teenager with dark black hair and navy blue eyes. "You two sure took a while. What kept you guys?" Both smiled and nervously laughed. They knew she hated late arrivals. She sighed and signaled for them to sit and set up the food.

"So how are you Dante? Staying out of trouble?" The blonde looked up and felt his heart race. His beautiful master had said his name. "Dante?" She asked. "Are you alright? You look a little red." She was about to touch his forehead, but he stopped her. "I'm fine, Darling. Just distracted. And yes. To answer your question. I'm doing well to avoid another punishment. I know how much it pains and upsets you." She smiled. Feeling relieved at his answer. She hated seeing her family or friends in pain. It made her so mad and depressed. Then she just ends up getting nightmares and not eat, in turn making Natsume and Ruka worry. "Good. Continue staying out of unnecessary trouble. How's math going Damian? Still having trouble?" Damian was embarrassed. He felt so dumb. But he despises the very class and his teachers was beyond annoying. "Yeah. Unfortunately. My teachers been no help though. And the girls who want to help just stare at me with hearts floating around them. It's really distracting." Dolly placed her cup down and crossed her arms. A hand resting on her chin. She was thinking of how to help her friend out. "If you'd like, I could be your tutor. I'm sure it's not that hard. Your probably just over thinking it all. And your classmates don't help either." Damian felt so happy he hugged the small petite girl. Continually saying thank you over and over.

"I'll take that as a yes, then." She said with a smile. She nibbled on the finger sandwiches and just enjoyed being with the triplets and her guardians. All sat in a circle listening to Her day. "The new student sounds like she isn't the brightest, but if your hunch is on target. Which is normally the case, she sounds like she has heart." Dante said while eating cheese. "Yeah, but she still shouldn't been so rude. Especially if she doesn't know her own Alice yet. She could get seriously hurt. Though she does remind me of someone." Dolly nodded. "She reminds me of Anna. Selfish, stupid, but the greatest friend you could ever have." She said looking down. A single fell into her third cup of tea and caught the attention of Dante. He pulled her into his chest and the others just stayed quiet as he rubbed her back. Anna was dear to them all. Damian's only biological sibling, but her Alice was a curse that killed her in the end. No one blamed themselves more for her death, than Dolly. Though no one blamed her for her death, she continues to. "It's okay, Doll-chan. Remember it isn't your fault. She wanted us to live, she would want you smiling." Dolly lifted her head and nodded, as she wiped the last of her tears. After settling down, they started to clean up when Ruka ran by. "Isn't that Ruka-kun?" One of the triplets asked pointing in the direction he was running towards. "He seems to be in a panic. You guys finish this up, I'll meet you for dinner." They all agreed and Damian took the trash while Dante took the girls back to their class.

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