Chapter Seventeen

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After a fun day of shopping everyone was busy with very important jobs. Dolly and her gang had disappeared every break and free time to practice their music. Their colors even coordinated, which was an added bonus. Natsume would follow her to her practice place and listen to her play every note. Since she had been preparing, he had to admit he missed her. And spending time with her. Even if she just napped on him, it was still quality time well spent. Together. He knew she was great, but Dante and Damian were good too. The triplets played the violin, but he could always pick out when Dolly's part was up. "Spying on me again?" He looked at the voice that had spoken. He smiled. "Maybe. So what if I was?" He said cheeky. She giggled at him and the pair left to go to class. "My recital is tonight. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask the others to come see it." He nodded. Her going on ahead and passing out an invite to a few people. Mikan, Hotaru, Ruka, Yuu, and even Yo-chan got an invite. "I hope you all can make it. I have to get the guys and get there earlier, but I hope to see you all." She said dashing off. Lucy running behind her.

"I didn't know she could play. I bet she's really good, if the music community asked her to join." Mikan said while studying the invitation. It was elaborate and the paper was a cream color. With black and gold lettering, in cursive. It was beautiful. Like a wedding invitation. "It's so pretty! Like a wedding invitation." Natsume pictured Dolly in the wedding gown, a changing mirror had shown on her. He thought she looked beautiful in the flowing white gown. And blushed slightly at the thought. "Natsume-kun, will Dante and Damian be in it as well?" He looked up and saw the girls get love struck. "Yeah. But he's not as good as Dolly is. She's amazing." Remembering her playing earlier. She was flawless and perfect. Though he could be biased on that. But he didn't care. She was perfect to him and that's all that mattered. "So when you guys throwing her party? I can help with anything. If it's not right, I'll burn your hair, polka dots." He said seriously. "If you could, keep her away from the classroom until Ruka signals you?" He nodded and watched as Mikan and few others left. Leaving him and Ruka.

"Ruka, when you get your gift, stop by my room and get mine, could you?" Ruka nodded and Natsume closed his Manga. Let's go get freshened up. I want to look nice. Ruka followed his friend and they headed to the dorms. They soon saw Dante fly down. He was out of uniform and looked good in his suite. "Would you two be kind enough and take our pets to Darling's room. They fell asleep and we can't watch over them." "We could do that." Ruka said happily as he got the large basket, containing the pets. "They're so cute and tiny. Especially Lucy. Don't you agree, Natsume?" Ruka asked him. Natsume looked into the basket. Three small, but chubby bears, slept on the bottom as the two drakes perched on top of them. The two drakes forming a protective circle around Lucy. Dolly's royal demon cat. He picked up the cat and they continued to walk to go get ready.

Natsume showered, feeling as if he had to smell extra nice, even though he had already showered the previous night. He looked towards his desk and took the top off it. He smiled at the object in the bed of silk that lined the box. "I hope she likes it. I want her happy." He said out loud. Then a knock at his door. "Natsume! Let's get going! Or will miss the bus." He came out and saw Ruka, along with Mikan, Hotaru, Yuu, Sumire, Anna, and Nonoko. "You guys know it's a classic music recital, right?" They nodded and smiled like idiots. They all walked out and got the bus. Mikan saw Tsubasa and Miaska-senpei. "Are you guys here to see Dante and Damian perform?" They nodded and she took a seat next to them.

When they got to the building, everyone was struck by its beautiful details. A tall man with silver hair and glasses spoke. "Those with an invite come through here. Those who do not, use that door. If you cannot find a seat in the common section, please leave without a scene. This is a place a peaceful gathering." Mikan was disappointed that they all be divided up, but grew excited when she had a front row to the whole thing. "Wow! These must be the best seats in the house." Natsume sat Yo-chan between him and Ruka and he got settled in the red velvet seat. Soon the place grew quiet as the curtain rised. Revealing a group of ten high school students. They soon played and everyone was caught on each stroke they played. As the recital went on the elementary students were amazed by the students who played like they had a music Alice. 'They must have practiced really hard. I wish I could be that talented.' Thought Mikan. She looked over towards Natsume and saw he was calm, but not happy. 'He must be just here for Doll-chan. He's so sweet with her. And she to him. Even though he doesn't deserve it at times.' She thought to herself. Her attention was brought to the stage as the final act was Announced. "And for our finale, please welcome the Jack sisters and guests. Dolly Darling. Dante Red. And Damian Lucielle. Light cheering could be heard for each of the three names. The moment Dolly took a stroke, she had captured Natsume's mind and soul. He felt it cool and warm him at the same time , while her beauty entranced him completely. 'She's gotten better. And they play so smoothly together. I should ask her to play again later.' He thought as the group played without a care in the world. They looked confident and almost lost in the notes of playing. When they finished, the crowd took a moment to snap out of their daze and roared with applause. The six bowed and left the stage, as the curtain went down. Natsume picked up Yo-chan and headed towards backstage. There he spotted Dolly surrounded by males. He glared and felt highly irritated. He walked towards the large crowd and the males withdrew back some. Scared to anger the fire Alice.

"For you, Neko-chan." Yo-chan said as he handed the girl a small bundle of flowers. "Thank you. You are so sweet." Natsume was currently hiding his flowers, but he saw the small boy tug on his arm holding the flowers. "I got these for you too." Her face lit up when she saw the bouquet of flowers. She smelled the roses and looked up towards Natsume. "My favorite. How you know, Natsume?" He looked away from her face and she laughed at his embarrassed face. "Well no matter. Thank you, again. Your  the sweetest." She said kissing his cheek. She smiled and soon she hugged the triplets in a swing hug. Natsume was red as a tomato, but smiled as he touched his cheek, where he had been kissed. 'Wow. She kissed me.' He thought as he watched everyone greet her and compliment her on her violin skills. Ruka noticed his red face and asked "are you okay? Your a little red, Natsume?" Natsume smiled again, feeling like an idiot for smiling so much, but cleared his throats and went back to normal. "Yeah. I'm great." He said as he walked away. Still smiling on the inside and touching his cheek.

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