Chapter Five

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Dolly ran to catch up to Ruka. He stopped for a moment in the woods, giving her a chance to talk to him. "Are you okay? What's going on? Ruka-" he dashed off and she sighed irritated at the blonde. They stopped and soon the ground gave way. She popped out her wings and got Ruka before he could fall into small pit trap. "Sorry for the illusions. But we really need your help. What are you doing here, Doll-chan? " Yuu asked confused. They only planned on tricking Ruka into the forest. "Guess I got caught in your trap too." She said placing her friend on the ground and landing herself. Her wings went back into her back and everyone was amazed. Everyone except for Ruka. " your wings are so pretty, Doll-chan. Do you think I could touch them sometime?" Mikan asked happily. Ruka scold and was about to say something, but Dolly touched his shoulder. "Sure. How about after your officially enrolled." Mikan was happy at her answer, while Ruka was confused.

"So can you guys explain to us why you dragged Ruka out here?" Dolly asked. She was annoyed, but found herself understanding why he was needed. And she was starting to develop a soft spot for the loud girl. 'She's so much like her. ' she thought as Ruka and Mikan were arguing. "Just help her out, otherwise I think Hotoru is going to make it into fried chicken, if you don't." She said. Ending the debate. "Alright. I'll help, but on one condition." They nodded and did as asked. Dolly heard them talking among themselves. 'They're so going to look. Maybe I should interfere?' She thought to herself, wondering what to do about the outcome. 'It should be fine.' She watched as Ruka started using his Alice and showing his true self. She smiled and clapped as she watched the upset chick become happy and the two hugged. Once the chick calmed down she heard the others and saw it startled him.

"You promised not to look." He said unhappy. Mikan started laughing at him, which bothered Dolly some. Then Hotoru showed him the photo she had just taken and he grew more upset. Dolly kept quiet as Ruka and Mikan discussed about Natsume. "Natsume is a great person. He just has a different way of showing it. Please mind what you say about someone you hardly know." Dolly said with a glare. Her icy glare chilled the three. "Besides worrying about others, maybe you should try figuring out your Alice." Hotoru said as she started down the forest path. Mikan and Yuu, class rep followed shortly after, leaving Ruka and Dolly to walk a little ways after them.

"I'm sorry for not stopping them. I didn't think they laugh or blackmail you. I really didn't. Please don't be upset, Ruka." She said quietly. Ruka smiled and responded. "It's alright. Your not to blame for anything. Besides, you probably didn't want to hurt them anyways." She shook her head. Feeling relieved that her friend was not angry at her. But slowly became worried about what Natsume would try doing, if her found out both his friends were lured into the woods by Mikan-chan. "How angry is Natsume going to be, when he finds out?" Ruka mirrored her expression and both knew he was going to be pissed.

After walking some time Dolly stopped, then Ruka, then class rep and Hotoru. Mikan had no idea what was going on until she was grabbed and shoved against a tree. Natsume hand on her forehead. Ruka and Dolly came towards him, attempting to cool him down. "Natsume, please calm down. We're both fine. So you have no need to hurt her." Dolly said. Ruka then talked. "She's right. Just calm down. I'm okay."

"I've had enough of these games. She's disqualified." He said. "But didn't you do this to see what kind of Alice she had? Don't you still want to find out?" Ruka asked his seething friend. "I don't care anymore. I have no patience for that." He said. Mikan then began to struggle and tried breaking free. He let her go after she didn't show him her Alice and he did not like her response. He the placed a ring of fire around class rep and Hotoru. "Show me your Alice, or they die." He said to Mikan. Dolly was about to freeze the flames, but they grew bigger with her approach. "Natsume! Let them go! This isn't funny anymore." Dolly yelled. "Not unless she uses her Alice." Dolly glared and knew she wouldn't be able to do anything without harming the trapped two. Mikan pushed him and he grew mad at her reaction. Dolly ran to get her out of the way, but then something happen. A ring of light circled the three and his flames were turned into water. "She nullified his flames." Dolly said a little too loudly. Narumi-sensi then appeared by Natsume and kissed his forehead. When he fell unconscious, he walked over to Mikan and congratulated her. "She's right, you know. You have a wonderful Alice." Mikan grew a big smile and hugged class rep and Hotoru, while Dolly and Ruka checked out Natsume.

Narumi-sensi picked up the boy and the group walked back the classroom. Mikan was soon reintroduced to the class and the day went on as usual. Once class was over Ruka and Dolly went to go check on Natsume. Seeing if he'd woken up yet. Once they entered his room, they were both disappointed. "Guess he won't wake until tomorrow then. Poor Natsume. I should of done more." Dolly said mainly to herself. Ruka had overheard though.

"It's okay. We both did what we could of done. He was really angry this time." He said trying to soothe her worry. "Lets go to dinner and then we could take turns watching over him. Kay?" She nodded and they left the sleeping boy. She ordered Lucy to guard and alert her of any changes. And the white cat curled into a purring ball of fluff on his stomach.

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