Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Today was the last day of the festival and Ruka's play. Dolly had woken up first. It was sunny and nice out. She felt arms around her and soft breathing. She smiled as she turned to face the sleeping boy. He looked peaceful. She bopped his nose and got out of grasp, not disturbing his slumber. She let Lucy sleep a little while longer and went to get dressed. She examined her hair. It was getting long. She couldn't remember the last time she had it cut. As she debated on rather or not to cut it someone had knocked on her door. "Come in." She said holding strands of hair up. Her ears and tail were out. She'd hope they help decide on what to do. "Wow. I never noticed how long it had gotten. You look pretty with long hair. But if you cut it, that's fine too." She grew pink at the statement. "It does look nice, huh?" She said, putting her ears away. She kept her tail out. She had decided to wear bells on the end. So it jiggled every time it moved.

She gathered her hair and used a hair pin. Once finished she smiled at Natsume. He had fixed her bow and was petting the purring cat. "Shall we go with Ruka?" He nodded and they left. Ruka wasn't down yet, so they waited in peaceful silence. Dolly's tail jiggled and he found it amusing. He poked the bells. "Your tail is cute. But very mean." He said. She giggled, remembering when he pulled her and got smacked across the room, because of it. "Stop laughing about that. It hurt a lot." She suppressed her laughter and then heard Ruka about to leave his room. "Ruka just left his room. He should be down any minute." Once Ruka came to join the pair, they ate at a cafe and went to where the play was being held.

Natsume and Dolly went to walk around the building just enjoying each other's company. "Do you know there's a dance in the evening tonight?" He asked the girl. She looked up and her normal calm expression had become an excited one. "Really? Like a with food and music?" He smiled at her enthusiasm. "Yeah. They have all kinds of food. And they play the music you like too. Do you know what the last dance is?" She shook her head no. "It's basically asking the person you like a lot and if they accept, it means your meant to be." She looked at her feet, avoiding his eyes. "Do you have anyone in mind, Natsume?"
He took a moment to answer. "I do. I'm hoping she'll say yes. I really like her." Dolly grew red. He chuckled. 'She's looks like a cherry.' He thought. As she was embarrassed and distracted by her feet, he took her hair pin down and held her tightly from behind. "Your so cute. You look like an adorable cherry." She smacked him lightly. "Dolly, would you like to be my last dance?" He placed his head on hers and saw her smiling. "I'd love too." She turned around and looked at him with a different expression. She caressed his face and kissed his cheek. "Now your the adorable strawberry." She said giggling at him. She popped a cherry lollipop in her mouth and he took it out. He placed in his and ran off. "Hey! That's mine. You candy thief!" She shouted as she caught up to him.

She jumped in front of him and pouted. "That was my last one. You owe me a candy, Na-chan." He picked her up and spun her, "did you know your also cute when you pout? Your cute all the time, but super cute when blush or pout." She started to turn red again. He put her down and ruffled her now loose hair. "If your okay with it, could you leave your hair down for me? It's so pretty and long. It's soft." He said while taking a few strands. She smiled while avoiding his stare and nodded. "Okay. But only cause  you asked. And only your allowed to touch." He nodded and the pair went to go check up on Ruka and backstage.

Dolly and Natsume first went to see how Ruka looked in his costume. He was quite embarrassed but was okay with the two knowing about it. "You make a wonderful Princess, Ruka." She said with a smile. "I'm going to see how Yu-chan is doing." Dolly said. "Careful Dolly. She has the female pheromone Alice." "Your so thoughtful, Ruka.  But I'll be fine. I can resist her. She's not that strong." Dolly left the two to talk. "Your in a good mood, Natsume. I take it, she said yes?" Natsume smiled. "I'm glad you two are going. I haven't gotten the courage to ask her yet." Ruka said with a sigh. "Well you still have time, just ask her when your ready. You guys are great for each other." Ruka smiled and Natsume had gone back to his calm self. "So do you know why she went to see Yuri?" Ruka shrugged his shoulders. "I'll leave you to finish hair and make up." Natsume said as he left. He then stopped by the room, Yuri was in.

Dolly was laughing at the beat red and mortified looking girl. "That's so embarrassing, Doll-chan! Your so cruel." She continued to laugh at her. "Yu-chan, your so cute. Not as cute as Na-chan, but still cute." "Na-chan!" She said loudly as she jumped into his arms and hugged him. Her bells making a loud jiggle. "Being mean to Yuri?" She looked up and giggled. Yuri thought the two were cute together. They left and explored the almost completed set. "Wow. The set looks great. I hope the plays great too. I wonder if the others have come yet." She said looking around. Then she saw a small boy. He noticed her too and came up to her. Natsume then picked him up and the boy spoke.

"Could you help me practice? I want my dawf  part to be perfect." Dolly nodded towards Natsume and the left with the boy and a quiet area. Dolly leaned against a wall and soon smelled Narumi-sensi near by. "Why you look cute as ever, Doll-chan. How are you today?" He asked at girl. "I'm good. Your play is coming along nicely. It's a shame I'm not in the somatic class. I'm a wonderful actress." This both saddened and intrigued the teacher. "Well you could always be a stand in. Though nothing would happen, you could always be one, just in case." She smiled and jumped with joy. He handed her a script and she started to read it. She flew higher up to avoid getting in the way and getting distracted. As she read it for a third time, she was brought out of her concentration by loud popping sounds and screams. She looked down and saw most of the people backstage covered in green sticky goo. She flew down and made sure everyone was alright, but Narumi said they'd be stuck for a few hours.

"This is bummer. What will we do now?" He said as he thought. Everyone not hit by the balls was gathered. And not many were left. "Dolly, you'll fill in for Yuri. I trust you know everything by heart?" She nodded. Natsume came out dressed as a cat. Mikan laughed as she called him cute and patted his head. He flicked her forehead and she held it. "Na-chan. You didn't have to be so mean. Besides you make a wonderful kitty." She said, blowing in his ear. He shivered at the sudden closeness. "Well I have to get ready. See you later." She said walking off. Damian had arrived with the triplets and they visited Yuri. "What happened to you, dear? Why are all those girls stuck to you?" He asked as Jessica played with her bear and Jane and her sister climbed him. They say on his shoulders and waved happily at the girl. "There was an incident and now I'm stuck to these girls, until the stickiness wears off." Damian sighed. "I'm sorry. I know how hard you worked on it too." Yuri smiled. "I even brought you a gift." He revealed a bouquet of flowers. She blushed at it and he smiled. Feeling happy he could cheer up his girlfriend. "So if your out, who's playing your part then?"

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