Chapter Eight

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Today was Joint class for Dolly and she wasn't looking forward for it. A whole hour of being petted and treated like a precious Dolly. It sickened her and angered her to no end. Natsume didn't look forward to it either and had a plan. They would skip out this week. "Let's skip today, Dolly." He said as the two walked along the path. She looked up and nodded. They found a spot and relaxed. Knowing full well he would be after the pair. She sent a telepathic message to her friends, and they skipped as well. Dante hid a distance from the pair and Damian was in charge of the triplets. A few moments passed then she heard a rustle near by. "He's here." She said. They ran in an opposite direction and had decided to split up. Making it harder to get caught. She ordered Lucy, her pet to stay with Natsume, so they could find each other later.

After about twenty minutes of running, Dolly stopped for a short break. Dante landed behind her and walked up to her. "Lucy with Natsume?" She nodded and they sat down under a tree. "It appears he went after him, since he couldn't catch me this time." Dante patted her head and smiled. "Your faster than a missile, at half your strength. I'm sure he's fine. He can handle escaping." He said to reassure his friend. "We just wait for Lucy to come and get us. Let's relax and share that chocolate I smell in your left pocket." She said smiling and excitement in her eyes. He lightly blushed and sighed. Thinking he should of handed his candy to Damian when he had the chance. "Thank you, kind sir. I'll owe you later." She said as she eyed the milk chocolate in her pale fingers. It's color a sharp contrast to her snow skin. She licked the remaining chocolate from her fingers and used a napkin to wipe her saliva away. She heard her cats padded paws approaching them and got up as she caught her in mid air. "Dante, check for him. I want to be careful not to be followed." He nodded and disappeared. She petted her white cat and held her close. When he returned from scouting the area. "She wasn't tailed. You can check up on Natsume, if you would like." He said. Secretly hoping she would pass. "Thanks for helping. Tell the others, to meet up later after classes finish. And to bring their instruments also." She said as she walked at a fast pace towards Natsume. Dante went to go find the others and pass on her requests.

"How you guys holding up? He didn't bother you too much?" He asked the four. His black and blue haired friend looked up and smirked playfully as stopped reading his book. The triplets were teaching their pets how to patty cake. "Naw. We're okay. You and Dolly okay?" "Yeah. It also appears Natsume is okay too." "I'm assuming she went to him, since she didn't meet up here." Dante nodded as he took out his sketch book and continued on his picture of his pet dragon, Shane. " oh. Later we're having music practice. So bring your instruments." He said not bothering to look up at the others, fully engrossed in his sketching.

Dolly walked for a good while and was happy to getting close to her fire Alice friend. But was stopped by a commotion and the sight made her angry. Mikan was being picked on by Sumire's older brother. Purple jelly fish, as she chose to remember him by. "Please leave my dear friend alone. Or I'll freeze you next." She said as she shocked him with lightning. He stood up mad and was about to hit her, but found he was stuck. " picking on little girls. Pretty low for people like you." Said an unknown male. The middle school student who saved them jumped from the tree and yawned as the others complained. Dolly watched as he used his Alice and knock jellyfish's friend down. Then he wrote something in the dirt. Making two of them start doing squats.

"Tsubasa Ando. Who are you two?" Mikan was amazed by his Alice and Dolly was just struck by how cute he was. 'He's so cute. Just like Natsume. But smiles and laughs.' She was lost in her thought, she haven't noticed Mikan trying to get her attention for the last two minutes. " I'm sorry. You were saying something?" Mikan sweat dropped and Tsubasa laughed at the two. " your adorable, Doll-chan. What class are you in?" "I'm in dangerous class with my friends and Natsume. Wait, you wouldn't happen to know Dante and Damian?" He thought for a moment and then a light bulb went off. " your The Dolly Darling!?" The white haired girl grew shy and looked at the ground. Avoiding all eye contact with him. "Your so much more cuter than what they described. Your so cute and strong. No wonder Dante-" suddenly Tsubasa fell to the ground, but Dolly landed gracefully avoiding getting crushed by him. "What the heck was that for!?" He yelled in the shadows. Soon Mikan saw a tall boy with blonde and red hair, wearing an eye patch and a dangle piercing, connected to his lip and right ear. Then a similar in height boy came out of the shadows, with black and blue hair, and a seal on his right side. And a blue dragon perched on his shoulder as another dragon was sleeping in his coat pocket. But instead of being blue, it was red. Then three young girls came running towards Dolly and she picked up the blue haired one, while the other two clung to her waist tightly. "Who are these people, Dolly?" The white haired girl looked up and smiled. "Well Mikan. These five are my family. Guys this is my partner, Mikan Sakura. The girl I told you about." Her words had more meaning, but only her friends knew how deep though. They silently nodded and introduced themselves.

"Hello Mikan-chan. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name it's Dante Red. Darling, talks a lot about you." The blonde with red highlights said politely. Mikan looked towards Dolly , who grew shy and Soon was greeted by the other boy. "My name is Damian Lucielle. Don't worry about what my friend said. She speaks very highly of you. She has become oddly fond of you. Glad to finally put a face to her intrigue." The boy with black hair and blue highlights said. Soon the two dragon creatures awoke and flew up to the brown haired girl. She grew scared, but Dolly came by her side and calmed her. "Don't be alarmed, Mi-chan. They are only sniffing your nature towards us. If you were a threat to me, they would of eaten you by now." She said as she signaled the dragons to come to her. "The red one is named Shane. And is Dante's pet and guardian animal. And the blue one is name Drake. He belongs to Damian. And those darling girls are the Jack triplets. Jenny, Jessica, and Jane." Mikan thought the girls were just the cutest. "Since we're all short on time, how about we all meet up later? Even Tsubasa could join." Dolly said as she hugged each of the girls. " I'll have Dante get you. Since you probably don't know where we meet up weekly." Mikan nodded and said good bye to her partner. Dante carried Jane, who had grown tired and Damian took the other two girls hands and they went to set up their meeting spot. "You want to join us after classes, Tsubasa? You were invited." His friend thought for a moment and then answered. "Sure. Mind if I bring a plus one." Dante nodded and left to follow his friends.

"Let's head to class. We're a little late now." Mikan nodded and followed him to the special ability class. "So are they related?" She asked him. " what do you mean? Dolly and the others?" Mikan nodded and he continued. "Well not really. They're kind of like all orphans, but they view each other as a family, so I guess that really doesn't matter, does it?" She shook her head. Feeling sad for them. It's hard not having your parents. She wondered more about it but she was brought out of her thoughts when a bucket hit Tsubasa in the forehead.

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