Chapter Nine

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Mikan was scared at the sudden attack on her fellow classmate. A pink haired girl shouted at him for being late, but she then changed her mood, once she saw the new student. Otherwise known as the only no star on campus. "You must be The new student. Welcome to the S.A class!" People popped poppers and confetti and streamers soon exploded and now covered the floor. Soon the whole class gathered and Mikan grew happy at the acceptance they were showing her.

After leaving Mikan to find Natsume, Dolly finally found him. Using a twig to play with Lucy, who had run on ahead. "Hey Natsume. Sorry about being late. I was helping Mikan out." At her name he scoffed but went back calm and continued playing with her demon cat. "So why you get in a fight with those middle schoolers?" He looked up at his friend. Hoping she wouldn't find out about his encounter. "They were being annoying bullies. So I burned one a little and left soon after." She nodded and sighed. "You have a very low tolerance, Na-chan. What I'm going to do with you?" She said smiling at him. She was facing him. Her gorgeous, red eyes piercing his soul and looking right into him. As a light tiny of pink started to grow on his face, she sat down to him and took out her violin. He smiled. He knew she was going play. He loved it when she played her violin and got lost in her own little world. It made him feel enchanted and charmed. He couldn't be anything, but calm and content. At peace almost. She also sang, but she was much too shy to sing I front of anyone, but Yo-chan and the triplets. But he was content with listening to her play her violin. It lifted his spirits.

He closed his eyes and breathed in calmly. She played a piece from the Planets. He couldn't recall which one, but still enjoyed it. As she continued playing she didn't notice Natsume fall fast asleep, but breathing heavy. She stopped and placed her hand on his heart and transferred some of her life force to him. She felt a dull pain, but saw a great improvement in him. The pain was worth it. She was doing a forbidden act, but she could spare her human soul for him. 'He's worth the risk and pain.' She thought as she moved hair away from his face. Once happy with her work, she continued to play and soothed her stressed out mind. Soon she stopped playing. Resting for a bit she thought to herself. 'Maybe I should invite Natsume? No. He would just argue with Mikan and they would only just tick off Dante. Hmmm...' she kept thinking, unaware Natsume had stirred and woke up. Seeing her head resting on his lap, made him blush. He was glad she was so immersed in her thoughts, he pretended to sleep as she looked up at him. Feeling her staring at him and flicking his earring he decided to wake up from 'sleeping'.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" "No. I just woke up." He said with a yawn. She closed her eyes. Finally coming to a decision. "Would you and Ruka be interested in a private tea party? He could be in my room." He thought about her question. " I would like that. So would Ruka." He said with straight face. She smiled happily at his response. "Your free to bring Yo-chan too." His eyes brightened up at the mention of The little guy. " I'll get him from his room and then meet up with you and Ruka, how's that sound?" She clapped, showing her enthusiasm as she got up to pack her violin and checked the time. "I made plans with the others after joint class. Are you okay here, by yourself, until Ruka finds you?" "Yeah. I'll be alright. My nap helped my fatigue. I'll just hang with Ruka, until you get back." She nodded. Natsume got up but was hugged by the shorter girl. He ruffled her hair and smiled as she left to go to her tea party.

Natsume walked towards Ruka's class and soon saw him. After he said goodbye to a few of his classmates,  the two walked over to a quiet place. Away from the crowds. His friend took notice of his change in mood. Natsume was normally tired and irritable on joint class day, but today he seemed happy, almost joyous. "What's gotten you in such a good mood, today?" He questioned his friend. He noticed the light tint  form on his cheeks and  laughed lightly. "I don't know what your talking about, Ruka. Stop saying such silly things." Ruka smiled and sighed happily. "Doll, invited us to a tea party later. Just me, you and hopefully Yo-chan. Would you be up for it?" Ruka smiled with joy. He knew she baked all the sweets for her gatherings. Never store brought. Always fresh. And she was an amazing baker. "I wouldn't miss her cakes ever." Natsume seemed amused by his response and his expression brought him joy. "I figured as much. Could you grab Yo-chan and meet up at four?" He nodded to him and the two boys hung out under a tree, until it was time for regular class again.

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