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I rub my wrists as I walk down the cold street. People walk around in thick, winter jackets holding cups of coffee and talking to each other. A couple in front of me speaks of names that they're going to choose for their unborn son.

I stop at the street corner and lean against the stop sign, breathing in the cold air. The sound of fighting and shouting causes my relaxing moment to come to a quick end. I look across the street towards a bar filled with large, randy men who seem utterly alone in life.

Maybe one of them will buy me a drink.

I walk across the street and into the darkly lit bar. The first thing I smell is the stench of liquor.

I haven't smelt liquor for what seems like a million years. Smells delicious.

I skim the bar and my eyes stop on a man sitting at the bar. I nonchalantly walk over to him and sit on the stool to his left. Once I sit down, he glances over at me. "Can I help you?" He asks in a rough voice.

"You think you could buy me a drink?" I retort while placing my elbows on the counter.

"Well, that depends. How old are you?" He looks at me with his dark blue eyes.

"Why does my age matter?" I raise a brow. He rolls his eyes and turns away from me.

"Not a chance, kid."

"Hey." I hit his arm and his eyes dart to mine. "I'm not some kid."

"Well, by the looks of it," he looks me up and down, "that's exactly what you are."

"You don't even know me."

"Well, you're what, nineteen? And you're in a bar alone. So that means you're either a runaway or you just went through a hell of a break up."

"You could say both." I nod with a grimacing look.

"Ah. Seeking drunk therapy then?"

I laugh softly. "No, just a drink. I believe that I deserve it."

"You deserve it? What'd you do? Pass your midterms? Did daddy not buy you a car for passing?" He teases and I narrow my eyes.

"Actually, when I find my daddy, him buying me a car will be the least of his worries."

"So you ran away from mommy dearest then?"

"You could say that."

"Any reason why?"

"Ah, it's not like you'd care. You're just a drunk looking to have sex with a teenager because your wife either left you or died." I state. His smirk instantly fades and is replaced with a cold glare.

"At least I'm not a little runaway who can't handle judgement."

"Actually I'm a runaway because my father locked me in a prison cell and I just got out about a month ago and he doesn't even know that I left." I laugh. "So either buy me that drink or we can talk about your dead wife."

"Get your own drink." He barks.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Fine, then." I stand up from the stool. "You smell like piss anyways." He snorts loudly and chugs the rest of his beer.

I walk out of the bar and back down the street. I'll just keep walking until I find someone worth talking to.

Behind me I hear loud footsteps. Don't turn around, you moron. The nagging voice shouts at me. State the obvious much dumbass?

I ignore whoever is walking behind me. It's probably just someone walking around town, just like me.

As I'm passing by a dark alleyway, something hits me over the head. I fall to the ground instantly, but I'm quick to get back up. Once I'm up, I'm shoved against a brick wall halfway down the alley.

"You think I smell like piss, huh?" The man from the bar questions.

"Let me take that back." I smile politely. "You don't smell like piss. You smell like fucking shit."

He narrows his eyes at me and begins to dig his claws into my hip. Fucking perfect. A wolf. Well, a werewolf.

I raise a brow at him. "Seriously? Digging your claws into me is the best you can do?" I say, taking him off guard. "I thought you wolves were supposed to be big and scary. But, hmph, I guess not."

A loud growl erupts from his chest and his teeth clench as he shows me his fangs. I let out a soft laugh. "You think your scary, shit man?" I laugh again. "You're not scaring me. But I can scare you."

"Oh really?" He bellows.

"Really." The smirk from my lips drops when I press my hand against his shoulder, igniting his jacket in flames. He screams loudly and lets go of me. He stumbles back and falls into the ground. The rest of his clothes catch fire and he rolls around on the gravel, trying to put it out.

"Are you scared?" I laugh.

"You're a fucking demon! A witch!" He screams in pain.

I clench my fist, making the fire go out. He sighs loudly and lays on his back. I walk over to him a crouch down next to his head. "Do not ever try to take advantage of another girl, ever. Or I will come back here and burn you alive. Got that?"

"You're going to come back and burn me rather than burning your own father? Pathetic."

"Actually, that's what I'm on my way to go do now." I whisper in his ear. "And... I don't like your attitude." I press my hand against the back of his jacket, igniting it once more.

"Why're you doing this!" He screams.

"This? Lighting you on fire? Or going to kill my father? Because going to kill my father, well, for one: he locked me in a cell. Two: he stole my sister away from me. And I'm going to find her."

"Make it stop!"

"Hm." I scratch the side of my head. "No."

I stand up and walk out of the alley, letting this man burn to death behind me.

Hey, hey, hey! Don't judge me. Do not judge me. I've been locked up in a cell my whole life and I just got out. Killing people who locked me up.. it's just the right thing to do. Killing innocent people, well I haven't done that.

That man back there wasn't innocent! I mean he stabbed me in the freaking leg with his fucking claws!

Wait a minute..

I look down at my leg and realize that I'm bleeding severely right now. Oh. Well. Help?


{A/N} YEAHHHHH!!! Okay! What did you think?

Do you like Naomi?

Do you think she's a cold blooded murderer like Neveah?

Actually that would be pretty cool if they teamed up. Neveah and Naomi: two psychotic murders, them against the world!

Guess we just found out what book three is about!


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