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"W-We need to get out of here." Dylan looks around.

"We have to run." Taylor grimaces. "Now." She takes off, not even checking to make sure we're following. Dylan raises a brow at us, waiting.

"Lets go." Elena nods, grabbing onto my forearm. She takes off running after Taylor, pulling me along like I'm some rag doll. Dylan runs next to me, looking behind us every ten seconds.

My eyes widen when an arrow flies out from nowhere and hits Taylor in the arm. She flies to the ground from the impact and lets a loud sob.

"Taylor!" Elena and I shout at the same time. I crouch down next to her and yank the arrow out of her arm.

"Fuck!" I hear Dylan hiss from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see him lying on the ground with an arrow sticking out of his chest.

"Dylan!" I gasp as I crawl over to him. He looks up at me with a small smile.

"Fuck. Arrows hurt like a bitch." He mumbles.

"Well, this will hurt a bit more." I state before ripping the arrow from his chest and he yells loudly.

Time begins to slow down when I look back over at Elena and Taylor. A man, dressed in all black, grabs Elena by her hair and yanks her back. Taylor lies on the ground, blood flowing out of her arm as the man hurts Elena.

The man pulls out a large needle and my eyes widen when he jabs it into Elena's neck. She screams loudly, grabbing onto the man's hands. "Elena!" I scream as the man tosses her onto the concrete.

Her head hits the ground and bounces back up before hitting it again. I watch her with wide eyes, watching blood seep out of her forehead.

With wide eyes, I look up at the man who is walking over to Taylor. Before he could touch her, before he could even get close, I light the son of a bitch on fire with my goddamn mind.

But he doesn't fall onto to ground, screaming in pain. He doesn't seem to be in any pain.

He turns to me and pats on his shoulder, getting rid of the fire. He walks over to us and I stand up as Dylan continues to lay on the ground.

Again, I set him on fire. But this time it's barely there for even a second. The flames disappear from in front of my eyes and then next thing I know is pain.

He hits me over the head with something hard and I fall to the ground, not to far from Elena.

Well. This has never happened before.

Instead of hurting me, he walks over me towards Dylan. I try to lean up but everything is blurred. Elena whimpers quietly, causing me to turn towards her.

"Elena.." I try to crawl towards her.

She looks at me with glossy eyes and tries to get closer to me. Dylan grunts loudly from behind me and my head snaps towards him.

The man throws him into the ground and Dylan rolls over next to me. I grab him with my left arm and tug him towards me and Elena.

The man doesn't stop though. He walks around us towards Taylor. Both Elena and Dylan are now fully unconscious, and I have no clue how. What the hell did he give them!?

"Elena?" I shake her but she doesn't wake up. "D-Dylan!?"

I look up to see the man throw Taylor down next to Elena without any emotion. "Who are you?" I ask.

"You'll find out, all in good time." He answers. Before everything goes completely dark, I remember him saying one last thing. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. Or your friends."


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