27 1 1

Song List:
Chasing Cars-Snow Patrol
Moments-One Direction






Instead of staying inside the warehouse, Taylor and I went outside to sit in the truck. We were currently blaring the Moana soundtrack while singing along like doofuses.

"Did your granny say 'listen to your heart, be who you are on the inside'? Well, I'd hate to tear this argument apart: your granny lied!" Taylor sings loudly while I giggle next to her.

"I'D RATHER BE SHINY!" We both scream before she laughs.

"Change the song," I demand and she furrows her brows.

"Why!? This is a work of art."

"Because I don't know all the words," I confess and she gasps.

I smile when she changes the song to 'How Far I'll Go'. She grins in return. As the song starts we sing quietly while dancing like weirdos but when the chorus comes around we start shouting.

"I know everybody island seems so happily on this island, everything is by design." I sing but am cut off when Taylor snorts loudly, causing me to cackle in amusement.

"I know everybody on this island has a role on this island, so maybe roll with mine!"

As we both inhale deeply to sing the next part, we both let out a loud high pitched scream when someone knocks on the window. We both stare in horror at Naomi as she stares back.

Taylor lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding before unlocking the car and opening the door. Naomi stands next to her while furrowing her brows at the both of us. I smile nervously while leaning forward and turning off the music.

"Why are you guys in here?" She raises a brow amusedly.

"We wanted to let our spirits free!" Taylor declares whimsically. "And we have. So I'm going back inside." She states before sliding out of the seat and walking back into the warehouse.

Naomi chuckles before looking at me. "Are you coming in too?"

I smile happily before getting out of the truck. When I get to the other side, Naomi takes my hand in hers and leads me inside.

It was dark outside, probably around ten o'clock. When we got inside the warehouse, we slide the giant rusted door shut.

I look over at the stairs to see Taylor walking up them. "Come on," I hear Naomi's voice. I look back at her to find her smiling at me.

She pulls me over to the couches and we sit down. She leans back into the cushions and pulls me down next to her. I rest my head on her arm as I stare into her green eyes.

We lay in silence, just staring at each other. I wonder what she's thinking. I bet she's thinking about her sister. Or her mother. Or maybe her entire family. Including Aiden and Cora. Since they're her family too.

But so are we. Taylor, Dylan, and I. We're her family. A tiny dysfunctional family.

She is my damn mate after all...


"Hm?" Her lips don't even move as she hums.

"We're mates," I state.

Her eyes slightly widened, but she quickly recovers. "You just noticed?" She smirks.

"No need to be cocky." I grin while chucking.

She smiles back before slowly shoving her hand into my hair. "We're back to this now?" I smile.

"Shut up and close your eyes." She growls playfully. I do as I'm told. Her hand slips out of my hair and her fingertips trail down my arm, to my back, and stops at my waist. "Elena?"

"Yeah?" I keep my eyes closed.

"You know my favorite thing about you?"

My eyes snap open and I look up at her. "My hair?"

She laughs before shaking her head. "My smile?"

Her smile slowly fades as she shakes her head again. "My quirkiness?" Her smile comes back and she laughs again.

"No, your eyes."

"Why?" I furrow my brows. "They're just an ugly brown."

"They aren't ugly." She pinches the skin on my back, making me wince but smile. "They're beautiful. And I can always tell how you feel just by looking into them."

"Wow. That's deep." I say with a deep voice.

She rolls her eyes at me. "My favorite thing about you is everything," I state. She stares at me for a moment, her smile and the bright green color in her eyes fading. "What?"

"You're just perfect." She brings her hand up to my cheek and caresses it and she smiles slightly. "Everything about you is perfect. Your hair, your eyes, your skin, your smile, your voice, your personality, just you. You're perfect in every way." I smile at the huge compliment. Her smiles begins to fade. "And you got stuck with me. I'm sorry for that."

I furrow my brows before propping myself up on my elbow so that I can look down at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Fate picked us to be mates. And I'm a shitty mate."

Without even thinking about what I'm doing, I lean down and kiss her deeply before I bite her bottom lip. I don't bite gently either.

She winces when I break the skin but instead of pulling back at the taste of her blood, I pull her bottom lip into my mouth and gently suck on it, earning a small moan.

"What the hell was that for?" She hisses once I pull away.

"Don't ever talk about my mate like that again or next time I'll do worse," I smirk as she furrows her brows.

"You're demented."

"You made me this way," I say and she grins.

Instead of saying anything else, she pulls my lips back down to hers. We kiss for what seems like forever until we have to pull away to catch a breath.

She smiles lopsidedly at me. "What?" I laugh.

"Nothing," she shakes her head. "I just..."

I furrow my brows at her. "You what?"

"I love you. So much."

I smile widely at her. "I love you, Naomi."

"I know, who wouldn't love me?" She scoffs. I smirk at her, knowing most of the population hates her. "Shut up." She chuckles, making me smile.

I lay my head back down on her arm and wrap my arm around her waist. "What's tomorrow going to be like?" I whisper. "Are we saving Adam? Are we going after your mom? Are we-"

"We are going to sleep." She puts her hand over my mouth. "We can worry about tomorrow tomorrow."

I shove my face into her neck and she tightens her arms around me. "Okay," I whisper before she places a single kiss on the top of my head.



{A/N} Short chapter! It's almost over... BUT! There is going to be a book three. I decided it. I'm still making a cover for it. AKA Making a thousand covers and asking all my friends what they think.

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