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I glance over at Elena to see her looking out the window. "You okay?" I whisper.

"I'm fine." She mumbles, not looking away from the window. I sigh quietly as I look at the road.

I have no fucking clue where we're going.

"Can I ask you something?" She blurts a few minutes later. I furrow my brows before nodding slowly. "Why did you help me? You don't know me, so why help me?"

I glance over at her to see her staring at me intensely. "Um-I don't know. She was just doing some really fucked up shit that isn't okay. So I guess I just... helped. I don't know." I shrug uncomfortably.

"Why did you run away?"

"What?" I snap my head towards her.

"You're a runaway. Why else would you end up in my moms apartment? What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." I shout and she goes quiet.


"Elena.." I growl viciously.

"Yeah?" She looks over at me and raises a brow.

"If you replay this song one more fucking time I will set you on fire." She instantly turns off the song and sets her phone on the console.

"Got it." She mumbles. "So... Where are we going?"

"Well, that depends. Where are we?"

"Oh." She picks her phone back up. "Near the border."


"If you drive a few more miles we're going to be in Mexico."

"Elena I didn't ask where we're about to be. I asked where we are."


"Where were when we left?"

"You're so fucking weird." She mutters. "Southern Oregon. Why? Is there somewhere you're needing to go?"

I slow the car down and park on the side of the road. "I have no clue." I answer while leaning against the headrest.

"A runaway without a destination."



I glance over at her and raise a brow. "Why what?"

"Why did you run away?"

"Hm... I don't think you're ready for that story yet." I mumble.

"You never know. I may be able to help." She smiles at me.

"Well-" I'm interrupted when my door opens and I am pulled out of the car.

"Naomi!" She shouts. I roll to the other side of the road and finally stop myself by digging my nails into the concrete. I look up to see Blondey.

He's alive..

Good for him.

I laugh quietly while standing up. "Ha ha. Looking good, fella."

He narrows his eyes at me and leans on the side of the car. "Good to see you too, Naomi."

"You know my name. That's great." I look down to see that I scraped my palm while stopping myself. "How is it that you know my name?"

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