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I run down the stone path towards the river from the backyard. Loud giggles escape from lips when I turn around to see Veah running after me. Everything seems to be in slow motion as her dark hair flies through the air and crashes against her back as she runs.

I turn back and run through the oak trees towards the river. When the trees begin to disappear, my brows furrow and I stop running. I stand still as I look around. Each tree, each branch, each leaf has completely disappeared but I continue standing on the stone path.

When I hear silence, I turn around to find the path completely gone. I look down to see that I'm standing on a giant rock. My skin begins to heat up and I cover my eyes once I look up.

Fire surrounds me and my breathing begins to shorten.


I snap my head towards the left, but all I'm met with are the strong flames. I cough loudly and drop to the ground. "H-Help." I cry out.

"Demon.." A dark voice whispers.


"No.." I whisper as the smoke fills my lungs. "Help.. Ve-Veah.. Help me.."

"No.." I mumble. "No."

"Naomi!" Someone shakes my shoulders but I the dream doesn't stop. "Wake up!'

"H-Help.." I grunt loudly.

"Naomi! Wake up!" Before the dream could even continue, a strong stinging pain covers my cheek.

I lean up quickly and cup my cheek. My head snaps to the right and I'm met with a very worried Elena. "What the fuck!? Did you just slap me!?"

"You were having a nightmare and you weren't waking up."

"And you slapped me?" I scoff while rubbing my cheek.

"It woke you up, didn't it?" She tilts her head to the side. "What were you dreaming about?"

"Nothing." I mutter while crawling out of bed. "We have to get ready.."

"I laid you out an outfit in the bathroom." She informs me.

"Elena, you and I have very different taste in clothing."

She rolls her eyes at me and pushes me towards the bathroom. "I've lived with you for a week now, Naomi. I know your taste."

I ignore her as I walk into the bathroom. On the counter is a red long sleeve, white ripped jeans, a set of black underwear, and a pair of black socks.

Okay, maybe she does know my taste.

I turn on the shower and wait a few minutes before stepping into the water. I take a quick shower. Once I get out, I blow dry my hair and get dressed.

I leave the bathroom and as soon as I get back into my bedroom, I find Elena sitting on the bed staring at me. "What?" I ask as I enter the room slowly.

"Do you know where we're going?"

"No, I don't. Adam didn't tell me."

She furrows her brows before tossing me a pair of black shoes. I lace them up and we walk out of the room. We enter the living room, where Dylan and Taylor are sitting and arguing.

"Liar." Dylan argues.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

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