32 1 1

Song List:
Chasing cars-Snow Patrol
Moments-One Direction






I pry my eyes open when I hear the sound of a door slamming. I look down to see Naomi's face pressed against my neck. It instantly sends shivers down my spine but I don't move.

Taylor is no longer in the front seat and neither is Dylan. Deciding to wake her up, I lift Naomi's chin up. "Naomi." I whisper and her eyes flutter open.

She smiles lazily at me, "Hm?"

"You gotta get up. I think we're here." Right then, the left side passenger door opens and Dylan appears.

"Come on," he whispers. Naomi leans off of me and crawls out of the backseat. I follow her and once I get out, she grabs my hand.

We follow Dylan into the apartment building and I furrow my brows. "I thought we were going to the warehouse."

"We need supplies from the apartment and even though it's extremely dangerous, I would like to sleep in my own bed." He looks at me over his shoulder. We pile into the elevator and as we're going up, Naomi relaxes on my shoulder.

I drag her into the penthouse and into the bedroom Adam have to us. "Come on, Naomi." I whisper as I tug her towards the bed.

She stops abruptly and I turn back to her. "Elena, I didn't mean that." She states.

"Mean what?" I drop her hand while furrowing my brows.

"That I wish I never met you. That I never fell into your abyss. It was all a lie. I needed you to hate me so that I could protect you from myself. And I still need to protect you." She declares and I feel my heart drop. "Now more than ever."

"Don't say that." I shake my head.

"It's true. I could hurt you."

"You could've hurt me with your flame hours ago but you didn't. You controlled it."

"I wasn't conscious." She deadpans.

"That proves how much you can control it." I state.

She rolls her eyes, "Elena, I still have to find my mother. And I can't take you with me. That will put you in even more danger and I will not do that to you again."


"You aren't safe around me." She shakes her head before stepping away from me. "I'm dangerous and now that I'm some goddamn demon thing, I don't-"

I close the space between us and grab onto her cheeks, forcing her to look up at me. "Shut up." I bark at her and her eyes widen. "I'm sick of you wanting to protect me all the time. You're trying to leave me again and that's fucking selfish and I'm tired of it. You left me before and I let you because you thought that was best for me. But it wasn't. You broke my heart and I was left alone to pick up the pieces. You are not doing that to me again." I say and her cheeks turn red and her eyes begin to water. "I don't care if you're dangerous because you know what? I'm dangerous too. You may be some demon thing, but you're my demon. Mine. I don't care if you hurt me because if you do I'll hurt you right back. That's what people do!"

She grabs my hands and forces them to my sides. "I can't hurt you again!" She shouts at me. "Hurting you was the worse thing I've ever done in my entire life! Worse than Ivette!"

My heart pounds against my chest, "Then stop trying to leave me! You're suppose to stay by my side, Naomi." I breathe heavily and we stop talking to stare at each other. "Y-You're supposed to stay by my side. If you're wanting to protect me, then protect me. But if you're protecting me from yourself, then you are more selfish than I thought because I can't stand being apart from you. You are everything to me and without you I'm nothing. Absolutely, entirely nothing."

She stares at me, nothing coming out of her mouth. I take deep breaths, waiting for her to continue the argument further.

"I want to protect you." She states. "From everything."

"You can't do that."

"I can sure as hell try."

"Why do you do that?" I furrow my brows at her. "You push people away. I mean, I know why you're doing it. Because you don't want me to get hurt, especially by your hands. But why do you do that? I'm trying my hardest, Naomi. B-But you make it impossible."

"I make what impossible?"

I narrow my eyes at her, giving her the 'are you fucking serious' look. "Are you kidding me?" She looks down, obviously understanding what I'm talking about. "I don't know how this argument started," I say and she looks back up at me, "but it's finished."

As I walk past her towards the door, I can literally feel the heat radiating off of her. I near the door and as I reach for the doorknob, she grabs my hand, spins me around and pulls me towards her. Our faces are only centimeters apart and I can feel her breath on face.

Her bottom lip trembles as she tries to find something to say. With her other hand, she cups my cheek and rubs her thumb under my eye.

"I love you, Elena."

My eyes widen as I stare into her green eyes. They look terrified. When I can't come up with something to say in return, since what she said actually shoved all the words I could come up with down my throat, I grab her waist and press my lips against her's.

Her arms instantly wrap around my neck as her body presses firmly against mine. My heart beats erratically in my chest and I bet on everything I own that she can feel it vibrating into her own.

Her lips are soft yet chapped and I can taste the dry blood. As our lips move in sync, her hands trail up into my hair and my nails dig into her lower back.

Everything about this moment is entirely perfect. Everything about Naomi's is perfect, which makes me fall even deeper. The taste of her lips, the scent of her skin, the curves of her body. Everything about her is enticing.

Ever since I met her, every single moment I've spent with her and without her has led up to this moment. Where everything is absolutely perfect.

We slowly pull apart to catch our breaths and we lay our foreheads against each other. Her breathing is heavy and it sends chills down my spine.

"I-I-" I'm completely out of breath. She pulls away from me and I meet her eyes.

"I know," she sighs while nodding. "You said it in the car." My eyes widen as I stare at her, my heart still doing the Cupid shuffle in my chest. "Elena, you're everything to me." She admits and I feel my heart beat even faster. "I love you. I've always loved you."

"I love you." I repeat, not breaking eye contact. "I've loved you since I first saw you."

Her hands slide out of my hair and grip the sides of my head. She pulls my lips back to hers and I hug her tightly. "I love you." I whisper against her lips and I feel her body shake slightly.



{A/N} My emotions, man. They're all over the place.

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