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Don't forget to vote and comment!!! Big chapter!!! If you want to get hella emotional then listen to some music while reading!!! Get those tears flowing!!! I love you guys!!!




"Taylor!" Elena shouts.

"WHAT!?" Taylor shouts back. "I know that you want to know too so shut the fuck up and stop acting so goddamn innocent."

Damn, Taylor.

"She was.." I speak and they both look at me. "A girl."

"And...?" Taylor raises a brow.

"She was the girl who I was locked in the cell with. And.." Before I speak, I look over at Elena. Her eyes are red from crying and she looks like if she might collapse at any second. "I was in love with her."

As I thought, she quickly looks away from me and at the ground, more tears falling onto her cheeks. "And I killed her."

She looks back up at me instantly. Her eyes wide with disbelief.

"How did you-"

"It was an accident." I say while looking down. "I didn't mean to, I just-we were-..." I sigh heavily before looking back up at them. "I burned her to death. Sh-She was my first kill. The first person I'd ever used my flame on. I-I didn't even know that I had it.. I just lost control.. It's all very... faded."

"Her death triggered your flame." Taylor states and I shake my head.

"No, the flame is what killed her. Something else triggered it." I look away from Elena, her stare making me want to puke.

"Your love for her is what triggered it." Elena speaks, and I unknowingly look back at her in an instant. "Your love.. literally.. killed her." Her voice cracks. I nod slowly as a tear falls onto my cheek. "And that's why you left. Because you thought that you couldn't control it?"

I look away from her again. "Naomi." She calls but I continue to look away.

"Elena.. I can't." I shake my head as more tears fall. "I can't control it no matter how hard I try."

As I turn to look at her, everything becomes pitch black. "Elena?" I shout.

"Naomi?" She questions, her voice still calm.

"W-Why did the lights go out?" I ask.

"They didn't." Taylor states. I furrow my brows and I let out a loud groan when I'm blinded by a bright light.

"Naomi?" I hear Elena call my name, but I can longer focus on her voice.

When I focus my eyes, I realize I'm no longer being chained to the stone wall and I'm no longer in that room. I'm not even in my own body. Who ever's body I'm turns around and my breath hitches in front when I see my father standing a few feet away.

"You're smart on your feet, just like your mother." He states.

"Don't compare me to her." A voice that sounds exactly like mine speaks.

Aunna. I'm in her body. How the hell is this possible.

"Naomi!?" I hear Elena shouts. "Your eyes! They're pitch black."

"But you're exactly like her. You have her smarts, since you've made your little ice wall magic proof. You're just like her," He walks around the dome of ice and skims his fingers over it, "the devil."

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