The End of the Beginning

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Mycroft was sat in the 221b Baker Street flat in the clients chair. Mycroft felt humiliated, but neither Sherlock or John spoke a single word until he was in that chair.

John and Sherlock were listening intently to Mycroft's newest case. The case involved Sherlock and John being flown down to South America in the jungle. It was very dangerous, but also very important.

When Mycroft finished, Sherlock stared off into space, thinking like usual.

"It's certainly very interesting." Sherlock said. "I would enjoy it, but I would not like John to get hurt." Sherlock said. He quickly added, "If I need a doctor and he's injured there is nothing to save me."

Mycroft scoffed internally. It's so obvious. Mycroft thought. The feelings they have for each other. I don't know what has gotten into Sherlock, but he has developed emotions for this man. And John's feelings are stupid obvious.

"Of course there would be safety precautions!" Mycroft said. "We wouldn't any more broken hearts now would we?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" John asked.

"Well you've lost Mary." Mycroft said. "We wouldn't want you to lose another lover."

Sherlock and John looked at each other, looked at Mycroft, then back at each other. Then they had a row.

"He is not my lover!" John yelled. John was thinking: How could Mycroft say this? I'm not gay! I'm not in love with Sherlock! Well maybe. Wait no I'm not! NO I'M NOT!

Sherlock yelled, "I do not need a lover!" Sherlock's mind was racing even more than John's. Mycroft wasn't supposed to know! No one was supposed to know! John is going to hate me! No no no no!

John and Sherlock kept yelling at Mycroft. They stood up when they started to run out of ideas. They yelled and yelled until they eventually ran out of arguments.

John and Sherlock stood there panting. They had nothing left to say.

Mycroft sighed. "What are we ever going to do with you?" Mycroft said. He stood up, poked Sherlock in the back with an umbrella and put a hand on John's back. Mycroft pushed them together, John staring up into Sherlock's eyes.

"Talk." Mycroft said. "Goodbye." Mycroft disappeared down the stairs.

John and Sherlock stood there for another few moments before Sherlock initiated conversation.

"John, I.... I.... uh....." Sherlock said, for once not sure of what to say. "John, I love you. I've loved you since the day you moved into this flat."

John stared with complete and utter silence.

"And I know you're not gay, I know you could never love me-" Sherlock said.

"Maybe a little bit." John said.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"I may not be gay, but there's no way I could ever deny my feelings for you." John said.

"Does that mean...." Sherlock said, for once not entirely sure of his deductions. "Does that mean you love me back?" Sherlock asked.

"No shit, Sherlock!" John said.

Before Sherlock could even react John put his hand in Sherlock's hair and pushed Sherlock's face into his.

Their lips collided. A spark grew into a flame that could not be contained.

Sherlock knew that this would be the best moment of his life. The moment he's been waiting for since the day he met John. The moment Sherlock's been through everything for. Sherlock took on two years of torture for John. Sherlock watched the love of his life get married so that John would be happy. Sherlock did everything for John, and now everything got returned.

John hasn't felt this way since Mary died. John knew that he loved Sherlock, but when Sherlock fell off the building his heart broke. John put himself back together, and moved on. John got married, he had a daughter, and his wife died for Sherlock. John never thought he would be able to love anyone as much as he loved Mary, but the last five years have shown him that he found happiness. Here, in Sherlock's arms.

Sherlock and John kissed, a long and heartfelt kiss that made up for all the broken hearts and pain of the past. Sherlock broke the kiss off, to hold John's face in his hands, John looking up into Sherlock's eyes with dilated pupils. 

"Dinner?" Sherlock asked.

John smiled. "Starving." He replied.

John and Sherlock left 221b Baker Street, hand in hand. 

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