The File

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*Two weeks later*

Sherlock and John were running through the cities, taking back ways and alleys to avoid the men chasing them. This was a case, where hopefully neither of them would die. So they kept running.

Sherlock was getting tired. It's something John's swore he'd never seen. For all this running Sherlock did, the last thing John expected him to do was get tired.

Sherlock eventually slowed down, and John had to too. The sound of the footsteps was growing closer, as was the sound of the sirens destined to catch Sherlock and John's suitors.

"Come on Sherlock, one more block." John said, holding Sherlock's hand and forcing him to go faster. And Sherlock did, for a while.

Sherlock, in an attempt to go faster, lost almost all control of his body and mind and ended up slipping on the wet ground an falling on his arm. Hard.

There was an audible CRACK as Sherlock hit the pavement. John spun around to see Sherlock lying on the ground.

"Johnnnnn..." Sherlock groaned, clutching his arm.

"Christ, Sherlock." John said, immediately running down to help Sherlock with his arm. It was evidently sprained.

Soon the sound of following footsteps stopped at the criminals were caught. The flashing lights were right down the road.

So John helped Sherlock up and they walked towards the lights, were there would be an ambulance.


John was sitting in the hospital waiting room as Sherlock was being treated for a sprained arm.

I swear that I am always sitting in this bloody hospital room. John thought. This bastard is always getting some sort of injury. Whether it's for drugs, or being shot, he's always in the hospital.

For the number of times I've been in this hospital, I should at least been allowed to see his medical file. I am a doctor. John thought. I would like to see his medical file, see how many times my boyfriend has been hospitalized.

John went into Sherlock's room, just as a nurse was checking up on Sherlock, who was asleep at the moment.

"Uh, hello." John said, and the nurse turned around abruptly.

"Hi." The nurse said. "Who are you?"

"John Watson. Sherlock's boyfriend." John said. "I was wondering if I could see Sherlock's medical file."

"We usually don't trust random people with-"

"I'm actually a doctor." John said. "I was in the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers in the Army and treated a lot of people."

"But you don't work here."

"I know, but Sherlock has such a medical history and I would like to see everything that Sherlock has... Done." John said.

"Well, I guess it can't hurt you." The nurse said, grabbing the file. "It's a little shocking, so don't come crying to me when you find something you weren't expecting." The nurse handed John the file.

"Thank you." John said. The nurse nodded and exited the room.

John opened up the file for William Sherlock Scott Holmes, and he wasn't sure what he was expecting to find. But the second he opened that file, a single word jumped out at him, 4- no, 5- times.

John sat down, tears rolling down his face as he continued to read the file. The sad, sad file. Him and Sherlock needed to have a serious chat when Sherlock woke up.


Sherlock woke up, his left arm feeling fine, and John sitting to his right. John was staring off into space, his eyes red from crying.

"John!" Sherlock said. "Good morning!"

"I read your file." John said, his head not moving. He laughed dryly. "What a medical file you have here, Sherlock."

Sherlock tried to remember everything that was on his file. A lot of drug use, a lot of injuries from cases... Oh.

John turned and looked at Sherlock. "Five suicide attempts?" John asked. His expression turning from calm to angry in a split second. "FIVE!" John yelled.

"John, I-" Sherlock said.

"FIVE!" John yelled standing up angrily. "FIVE!"

"John, I can explain." Sherlock said. He muttered quietly to himself, "Six, technically." John couldn't hear that.

"FIVE!" John yelled, kicking a trash can. It clattered to the ground. "FIVE!" John cracked. "Five..." John said, his voice breaking and tears rolling down his cheeks. "Five. Once when I knew you, too."

"I love you, John." Sherlock said.

John went up to Sherlock and kissed him, with passion from a fear of loss.

"When we get home, you'd better tell me all of this." John said. "I love you, Sherlock, and I never want to lose you."

THANK YOU FOR THE READS GAH!!!!! The next chapter is gonna be fun to write *insert malicious laugh*.

Y'all should comment here with your favorite thing to say in replacement for Benedict Cumberpatch. Mine would be: Biscuit Cucumberpatch

Song: "Friend, Please" by Twenty One Pilots. It kinda applies to this chapter.

Vote if you think that there needs to be Sherlock Series 5!


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