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*4 Months Later*

The preparation for Sherlock and John's wedding were underway. Sherlock made sure that they had the best person for every job available, doing extensive research on the photographer. Sherlock did almost everything himself, oddly enough. He let John and Mrs Hudson help, but he did the main part of the planning himself.

When John asked about his odd behavior, Sherlock responded simply with, "My mind palace always imagined a wedding with you. And now I get to bring my mind palace out of my head and actually have a wedding with you. I have it planned out extensively. It is going to be perfect."

Sherlock also managed to solve a number of crimes at this time, without even leaving the flat.

One day, John was writing his blog about the last crime Sherlock had solved. John's fans were completely going insane about the fact that Sherlock and John were getting married.

Sherlock and John were working separately on different projects. Then Sherlock sneezed.

It was a cute sneeze, almost like a high pitched squeak. It was the most adorable thing John had ever heard.

"Did you... did you just sneeze?" John asked.

"Yes John. It's an involuntary reaction. I had no control." Sherlock said, not even moving his eyes.

"But I've never heard you sneeze before." John said.

"It's because I don't sneeze often. Are we past this moment yet?"

"No. Because it was the cutest sneeze I have ever heard."

"It was a sneeze, John. I don't know why you're so invested in this."

"I never expected the Sherlock Holmes to have such a cute sneeze." John said.

"It was just my sneeze."

"Yes, but it's like a-"

Then it happened again. Sherlock sneezed.

"Wait, you never sneeze." John said. "I shouldn't be focusing on the cute sneeze, I should be focusing on the cause for the sneeze."

"What do you mean?" Sherlock said.

"Sher, have you been getting sick?" John asked.

Sherlock sniffled his nose. "No." Sherlock said.

"That was a nose sniffle! You are getting sick!" John said.

"It's just a cold, John." Sherlock said.

"I'm a doctor Sherlock! I have to take care of you!" John said.

"But I'm not your patient." Sherlock said.

"Yes, but you are my fiancé." John said.

Sherlock smiled a bit and glanced at the ring on his finger. He was still so happy to be able to be called John Watson's fiancé.

"Fine." Sherlock said.

"Are you prepared to listen to your doctor's orders completely?" John asked.

"Only because my doctor is you." Sherlock said, with the hint of a smirk.

"Okay then." John said. "First close your computer. You need to rest."

Sherlock grudgingly turned off his computer.

"Good. Now go and sit in your chair."

Sherlock did as told.

"Now, do we have any ice in the freezer?" John asked, walking to the kitchen and opening up the freezer. He expected to see ice, but instead saw a frozen body. John laughed at himself and closed the freezer. "Sometimes I forget that I live with you."

"Soon forever." Sherlock said.

"I know. I'm very excited for that. But the immediate problem still exists. You're sick and we have nothing in this house to make you better. I'm going to go to the store and get you things. Stay here, in that chair." John said. John grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

"Can I have a kiss before you go?" Sherlock asked.

"Not when you're sick, my love." John said.

Sherlock was pouting when John left the flat for the store.


When John got back, Sherlock was still sitting in his chair, Ben the dog sitting in his lap.

"So what did you get?" Sherlock asked, in a nasally voice.

"The basics." John said. It took him a minute to register that Sherlock's voice was different. "Sherlock, did you manage to get sicker since I've left."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sherlock said, in the same nasally voice.

"Your nose is blocked up!" John said. "It wasn't like that when I left."

"Fine. I do feel a bit worse." Sherlock said.

"I will fix that." John said. "I need to take your temperature to see if you have a fever."

John grabbed a brand new thermometer out of the bag and put it in Sherlock's mouth.

"This is just like a cigarette." Sherlock said, thermometer hanging out his mouth. "By the way can I have one of those?"

"A cigarette? Of course not Sherlock." John said.

"But I feel terrible!" Sherlock whined.

"It's because you're sick, and I'm going to make you feel better." John said.

John spent the rest of the day caring for Sherlock. The sneezy, sniffly Sherlock that John took care of. John's favorite patient. Even though Sherlock was whiny when John made him take medicine, John still managed to have fun taking care of this childish man.

Even though Sherlock objected to John's medical care, he secretly adored getting taken care of by the doctor that had stolen his heart.

The next day, Sherlock was perfectly fine, like he had never been sick. He was awake, working on different tasks for the wedding.

John stumbled out of bed to see Sherlock working.

"Good morning." John said. "Feeling better?"

"Loads. I'm not even sick anymore." Sherlock said.

"Good. Taking care of you was great, but it was also horrible at the same time." John said.

"What do you mean?" Sherlock said.

"Because I couldn't do this." John walked over and kissed Sherlock quickly, but passionately all the same. John cupped Sherlock's face in his hands. "Not being able to kiss you, even for only an hour, was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do."

Sherlock had never felt so lucky to be able to marry this amazing man.


This chapter was fun to write. It's something I was looking forward to writing since the day I started writing this book.

okay, so I'm nearing the end of the book! Wow, I can't believe it. Anyways, what I'm saying is that if you guys want any johnlock oneshots to be written, don't be afraid to comment them! I want to do a couple fun oneshots before I wrap up this book. SO PLEASE COMMENT SOME GUYS I'M COUNTING ON Y'ALL.

if you want anything particular out of this book that you haven't gotten yet, please comment because this is the time to do so. it's now or never y'all.

okay guys, i'll see you later! Ily y'all!

Song: "I Don't Care If You're Contagious" by Pierce The Veil :: bc it kinda goes with this chapter yay.

Comment with any oneshots you want written, any plot holes left unfilled, anything to make sure this book ends great! Vote if you're excited to see how I'm going to wrap up this fic!

Peace out!


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