John's Story Part 2

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Sherlock and John walked back to 221b, Sherlock never letting John get more than a couple steps away. When Sherlock and John arrived to the flat, Sherlock made John sit in his chair.

"Sherlock, you want me to sit in your chair?" John said precariously.

"Yes, of course. Otherwise I wouldn't have told you to do so." Sherlock said.

"Yeah, just I know it's your chair and-"

"John." Sherlock interjected. John looked at Sherlock, into those eyes the color of the sea, which were now tearing up. "Please just sit."

John sat in the chair, and Sherlock didn't even take a second to sit down next to John, so very close.

Sherlock pulled John's face into a kiss, a long, passionate kiss. When Sherlock finally pulled away, he said, "Now tell me everything about what Lestrade said."

John sighed. "Here goes nothing."

So it was after the suicide. And it was so damn hard to deal with the loss. I didn't realize it then, but it was because I was heartbroken. The man that I had loved admitted that he was a fraud. It hurt me.

I went back to being alone, in the flat, and I would go to your grave nearly every day to talk to you. Sometimes I would see Lestrade there, doing the same thing.

"Did you ever see that?" John asked.

"Lestrade go to my grave?" Sherlock said. "Yes, plenty of times actually."

"You saw all the times he would bring you information about the latest murders so that you would have something to do in heaven, then?" John asked.

"No, I didn't see that." Sherlock said. His eyes looked confused. "He really did that?"

"Yeah, he did." John said. "Great man."

"Next time I see Lestrade I'll have to give him my thanks." Sherlock said.

"That means you missed a lot of stuff that happened at the grave." John said.

"I only monitored it for about 2 months. Then I had to go dismantle Moriarty's terror network." Sherlock said.

"Oh that would make sense." John said. He continued his story.

So after about 4 months of complete loneliness, depression, anguish, you know. All the typical painful emotions. I was so sad it pained me to be alive.

I had begged you for one more miracle, that you weren't dead. Months went by and nothing happened. I stopped going on cases with Lestrade because it was too difficult being there without you. Then I wasn't talking to any of our friends. They all had too many memories involving you.

I was so alone, that I figured the only way to see you again, was to... well... join you.

I grabbed your gun out the drawer and went to your grave. I sat on the headstone and prepared to do it.

Lestrade found me seconds before I pulled the trigger. He got me to the hospital, where Mary was one of the nurses. She helped me feel less alone. I've never been at that place in my life since.

"What about when Mary died?" Sherlock asked, his arm slung over John's shoulders and holding him close. "When she died you were sad. But you never tried to... kill yourself." Sherlock choked out those last two words.

"I had you." John said. "I was never really alone during Mary's death. I had the love of my life standing with me the whole time." John kissed Sherlock on his cheek.

Faster than John could even think, Sherlock had pulled John on to his lap, John's legs straddling Sherlock's waist. Sherlock pressed his forehead against John's and looked deep into his eyes.

"John, I will never let you get to that place again." Sherlock said. "If it is the last thing I do, I will make you happy. Because you are the most important thing in my life John."

John smiled and said, "Oh, Sherlock." John kissed Sherlock passionately.

John could swear he felt a ring box in one of Sherlock's pockets, but the pants were off before John could investigate further.


Well that was rather fun to write. I am so looking forward to these next couple chapters you guys have NO IDEA.

Anyways, I've been in marching band so I've been so busy. But I only have 4 hour practices these next couple days so I'll have more time to write.


If y'all ship Phan you should check out my newest story, Figure It Out. It's rather good and I am really proud of it. (shameless self promo amirite)

Song: "Bulletproof Love" by Pierce The Veil :: just bc it's currently stuck in my head.

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