Cuddle Sleeper

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John and Sherlock slept in Sherlock's bedroom. Together. Nothing happened that night, except a lot of awkwardness.

It took a long time for Sherlock to convince John that it would be a good idea for them to sleep in the same bed. John argued that it would be moving too fast and he can sleep on the couch. Sherlock was saying that it would just be good for them, they weren't going to have sex, and "no you're not going to sleep on the couch". Sherlock eventually won by hitting John with puppy-dog eyes.

Then they laid in bed, for over an hour in utter silence. They laid at the very opposite sides of the bed, as far apart as possible. Neither one of them sleeping, neither one of them speaking.

Sherlock asked, "John? Are you awake?"

"Yeah." John responded.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Sherlock asked, somewhat reluctantly.

John was really confused, but he said, "We're not at a 12 year old's sleepover party."

"I'm serious, John." Sherlock said.

John raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Uh, yeah sure, Sherlock. Anything." He said.

"Um... Well... I'm a cuddle sleeper." Sherlock said. John had to stifle back a laugh, so it came out as a sort of amused "hmph". Sherlock knitted his eyebrows and said, "John are you laughing?"

John held his breath, to avoid from laughing, and barely managed to stutter out, "What? Nooooo!"

"John you're laughing!" Sherlock said, sitting up in bed.

John bit his lip. "N-No I'm not!" John said, a smile on his face.

"John, do you really think you can trick the world's only consulting detective?" Sherlock said.

John burst out laughing. Not just a simple laugh, but a full out guffaw. He was rolling around on the bed, slapping his thighs.

"John! Stop laughing!" Sherlock said, flustered. John continued to laugh. "It's not even that funny!" John kept laughing, tears pooling in his eyes. "Please stop! For your boyfriend!"

John immediately stopped laughing, and turned to Sherlock abruptly. "Boyfriend?" John asked.

"Oh god, did I mess up?" Sherlock asked.

"No... But... I mean..." John said, unable to get words. "We're boyfriends now?"

"I assumed so. Our first date was tonight, and Mrs Hudson knows, and... And...I just assumed so." Sherlock said, unsure of what to say. He didn't want to mess this up with John.

"Yeah, okay." John said. "We'll be boyfriends. Okay."

They were silent for a solid five minutes, neither sleeping. John eventually said, "So, cuddle sleeper, huh?"

"Yes. It's from a lack of physical attention as a adolescent." Sherlock said.

"Oh.... Um, that's sad." John said. "Do you have like...." John didn't want to say it, but he did anyways. "... A teddy bear?"

"No, of course not." Sherlock said. "I'm not six." Sherlock scoffed. "But I do sleep with another pillow."

"Like a cuddle pillow?" John said, smirking to himself.

"Yes. Essentially. Yes." Sherlock said.

They stared into the darkness of the room for another minute, before John said, "And why did you decide to tell me this?"

"Because you're sleeping on the pillow I usually use." Sherlock said. "And... I... Er... Would like to substitute my usual pillow,with you."

"Is this your weird way of asking if I would like to cuddle with you?" John asked.

"Yes." Sherlock said. There was another minute of silence before Sherlock said, "Can I have an answer?"

John smiled softly, the face of a fool in love. "Yeah, Sherl, of course."

Sherlock laid in bed, holding his arms out for John to go into. John slid awkwardly towards Sherlock and went into his arms. John's back was as close to Sherlock's stomach as possible. Sherlock had both of his arms wrapped around's John's chest and held him tight. Sherlock had his chin rested comfortably on top of John's head.  John's hands were holding on to Sherlock's arms.

"Sherlock, why do you wear long sleeves to bed?"John asked, feeling the material on Sherlock's arms.

"It just gets cold at night in here." Sherlock said. Her kissed the top of John's head. "Goodnight John."

"G'night, Sherlock." John said.

Then John and Sherlock feel asleep together, sharing warmth in the cold room.

How was that? Really fluffy, I know.


Later! -Dillon (am I wearing the "later" out??)

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