The Woman Part 1

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Irene Adler was stood there, facing John and Sherlock with a devilish grin on her face.

"Hello, Irene." Sherlock said, a slight head tilt and smile.

"Sherlock." Irene said. "Great to see you."

"I don't understand!" John said, obviously confused.

"Have you got that on a t-shirt yet?" Sherlock said.

"You are dead!" John yelled, pointing his finger harshly. "How come everyone who dies somehow magically comes back to life!?"

"I never died." Irene said.

"You died in a terrorist cell almost nine years ago!" John yelled.

"No, she didn't." Sherlock said. "And anyways didn't you tell me she got herself into a witness protection scheme in America?" John tried to mutter out a word, but Sherlock stopped him. "I knew you were lying. Don't even try, John."

"Can someone please explain what the hell is going on?!" John yelled.

"I will." Irene said, smirking. "But I would like to do it over lunch."

"You cannot leave this facility!" Lestrade said. "Not until we figure out what is going on."

"Then just let us have lunch here." Sherlock said. "I would like to talk to my friend, Irene Adler."
Sherlock, John, and Irene all sat down around a break room table at Scotland Yard. John and Sherlock sat on one side, Irene on the other. They locked the break room from the inside so that they could not be interrupted.

"So, Irene," John said, slightly spitting out the last word. "Tell us."

"What do you want to know?" Irene said.

"Everything from the time you escape the terror cell to now." Sherlock said, his hands folded under his chin.

"Wait, I would like to know about the terror cell." John said. "Start there."

"Alright," Irene said, leaning back in her chair.

So it started when I lost the phone. My protection, remember. There were people out there, who wanted me dead for some reason or another. One of those groups of people was a terror cell. They captured me tried to behead me. But turns out the executioner was none other than Mr Sherlock Holmes.

"Why?" John asked. "I thought you hated her."

"I did not like her very much, towards the end." Sherlock said. "But sentiment got the better of me. She was the first woman to ever like me."

"Can I finish?" Irene said.

He killed the terrorist members and then let me run. So I ran, far far away. I actually ended up running to America, where I changed my identity and started my new life. Everything was great, until I ran into some of my old pals.

And by pals I mean more people who want me dead.

See, when I worked here in London an American man approached me and asked for my services. So I did, and I did have emails regarding him cheating on his wife, that were contained on that cell phone. But now that the contents of that cell phone were out, his marriage crumbled and now he tried to kill me.

It wasn't that bad, I moved to Australia and resumed another false identity. But then more of my past caught up with me, and someone else tried to hurt me. I jumped around from place to place, staging my death multiple times.

There's no where left to run, no where in this world where I won't be found. I need the help of Sherlock Holmes.

"I don't think there's anything I can do that's going to help you." Sherlock said. "From the tell of it, you did everything that you could to avoid your past, but you dug yourself too big a grave to ever avoid having to lie in it."

"Please, Sherlock, I'm begging you, begging you to help me." Irene said, grabbing Sherlock's hand. In any usual circumstance, Sherlock would be slightly moved, enough to try to help her. But now that John requited Sherlock's love, everything was different. Sherlock loved John unconditionally.

When Irene realized that she wasn't getting anywhere with Sherlock, she turned her attention to John. "John Watson, would you please help me?" She asked.

"Sorry, Irene, but I agree with Sherlock." John said. "There's nothing you, or we can do, to help you."

A panicked tear rolled down Irene's cheek. Sherlock and John couldn't help but feel bad for her. Well, they did, until Irene looked up maliciously at Sherlock and said, "I have a plan. A plan for you and me, Sherlock."

Sherlock's eyes looked surprised for only a moment, a glimpse that even John barely caught.

"Well, what is this plan?" Sherlock said, acting like it's nothing.

Irene's eyes flashed malevolently. "Run away with me Sherlock."

Thank you all so much for the reads! Thank you so much I can't even!

I'm gonna start doing song of the chapter because why the hell not. This song of the chapter is "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low.

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