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Sherlock and John practically raced each other to the bedroom, in frantic excitement and nerves.

When they got to the bedroom, John slammed the door behind them and they immediately resumed making out.

Sherlock still hadn't told John the truth about him being a virgin, which is what he was thinking about as him and John passionately kissed.

The kisses grew harder, Sherlock and John fell on the bed, John on top of Sherlock. John's body weight was crushing Sherlock, but Sherlock didn't mind, as long as it meant the two of them were together.

Sherlock has seen enough, because despite being a virgin, he knew slightly what to do. Sherlock unbuttoned John's shirt, starting with the top button and moving down. When Sherlock was done, John threw the shirt to the side. They stopped their movement for a moment, and Sherlock just stared at John's exposed chest.

All Sherlock could see was his perfect boyfriend, sitting on top of him, his bare chest moving up and down at the breathlessness this experience he given him. Sherlock's eyes moved from John's perfectly toned muscular arms, to his tight abdomen, and to the scar on John's shoulder from where he was shot in Afghanistan.

Sherlock sat up and kissed the scar on John's shoulder, tenderly and caring. John had his arms draped over Sherlock's shoulders and when Sherlock was done, he looked up at John. They stared, a comprehensive glance between the two of them, for a split second and then returning to their kissing.

John unbuttoned Sherlock's coat, then threw it to the side. John worked on getting Sherlock's tight fitting white shirt to unbolt to fully and then throwing it to the side. Both men were sitting, bare, together in company for the first time.

John's eyes immediately darted everywhere on Sherlock's top half. Sherlock's wrists were entirely covered in scars, most of them lateral, but a couple running vertically. John saw Sherlock's abdomen, which as well as being tight and fit, was also covered in scars, most of which read the word FREAK over and over again. Then there was the scar on Sherlock from where Mary shot him, and then the scars on Sherlock's forearms from where he would shoot up.

"Sherl," John said. His hands were softly touching all of the scars. "Is.. This all?"

"There are hundreds on my back from when I dismantled Moriarty's web." Sherlock said.

John kissed Sherlock's shoulders, moving up to his neck, where he kissed the skin tenderly.

Sherlock sighed in pleasure and moved his hands to John's sides, where he held them close together. As John's mouth was on Sherlock's neck, Sherlock's hands moved to the front of John's jeans and carefully unzipped his pants. Sherlock tore off John's pants and the kissing got a little more heated.

John's kisses became harder, leaving hickeys as he moved down Sherlock's neck. John's hands were already undoing Sherlock's pants, and soon enough both men were sitting there, in their underwear only.

"So, where now?" John asked.

"John, I lied to you." Sherlock said. "I'm a virgin."

John's eyebrows leapt up in surprise. "But you said-"

"I know what I said. I was lying because I didn't want you to know that nobody's ever wanted to have sex with me. Everyone found me.... too.... repulsive." Sherlock said. "All except you. If this makes you not want to have sex with me-"

John cut off Sherlock with a passionate kiss to the lips. John pulled them apart, just slightly, their lips nearly touching.

"There is nothing in this world that would make me not want to do this with you." John said. He resumed kissing Sherlock.

Sherlock's hand moved enough, enough to touch the very front of John's underwear. Sherlock could feel John's anticipation, and stripped John of his underwear. John did the same to Sherlock.

They both sat there awkwardly, virgin each in their own respects, but neither of them wanted to be anywhere else. John kissed Sherlock, toppling himself on top of Sherlock.

Then things really heated up.


The next morning, Sherlock and John woke up next to each other in Sherlock's bed.

John woke up first. He woke up to see Sherlock's curly hair in a mess while Sherlock was still sleeping. John smiled to himself, recounting the experience of last night. "Thank god we used a condom." John thought. John scooted over and kissed Sherlock on the shoulder, before snuggling himself into Sherlock's arms.

Sherlock pulled John into him, enveloping John in his warmth. John took Sherlock's arms, seeing them bare in the light for the first time. He could see every individual line that Sherlock once felt like he had to dig there.

Then there were the long, deep, vertical lines that indicated that Sherlock had wanted to die. John traced his fingers and counted them. 1.... 2..... 3...... 4..... 5...... 6....... 7. John kissed each of the long scars.

Sherlock woke up with a groan. He saw John's head, kissing his scars. Sherlock smiled. He never thought he would be this happy. Sherlock never thought he would ever have someone to kiss his scars. And now, John was here.

"Good morning," Sherlock said, kissing the top of John's head.

"If you're near this ever again," John said sternly, "you tell me. We'll make it through this together. I love you, Sherlock, and I never want to ever lose you."

"I would never do anything to lose you." Sherlock said. "How about I make you some breakfast?"

"You've never been able to cook." John said.

"How about I buy you breakfast at a restaurant?" Sherlock said.

John kissed Sherlock's wrist. "That sounds wonderful."

Sherlock leaned over and kissed John on the ear. He turned to get out of bed, but was so sore that he could hardly walk.

Sherlock didn't want John to know that he could barely walk after last night, so Sherlock stood up, confident in his ability to figure it out. But, Sherlock failed in that, and ended up falling face first on the ground.

John got out of bed, busting a gut laughing. "I fucked you so hard you can't even stand!" John said, rather loudly.

"Maybe a bit louder this time. I don't think everyone heard you!" Sherlock said, slowly prying himself off the ground.

John went over to Sherlock's side of the bed and helped him up. Sherlock knew that now the relationship is serious. Maybe today he'd buy a ring.


Sorry for the short hiatus, my frens. My parents are doing this new thing where I can't be on my phone during certain times of the day, so it's making it really hard to update. Bear with me.

I hope you all liked that chapter, even though it was a little weird.

Song: "Drugs & Candy" -All Time Low :: just because I'm kinda obsessed with it at the moment.

Vote if you have a brother. Comment if you have a sister.


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