On The Run

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John and Sherlock bolted out of the restaurant, hand in hand. They stopped running once they met the sidewalk. John and Sherlock stood on the sidewalk, panting, with huge smiles on their face.

"How... How did you know that whole gay thing would... Would work?" John asked, pausing to catch his breath.

"People care deeply about their image to others." Sherlock said. "Now that we're outside, we're going to have to run because they can chase us outside. Now, follow my lead again."

Sherlock bolted down the street, to the left, with John in tow. As they were running down the street, they heard the restaurant doors slam open and muffled grunting. Then an alarmed, "OVER THERE!". Then the footsteps began to neat them.

"This way!" Sherlock shouted, turning down an alleyway. John followed him, as well as the footsteps.

John and Sherlock turned do multiple streets, multiple alleys, until they reached Scotland Yard. Sherlock and John had taken so many turns and twists that the footsteps almost fell out completely, but the chase was still on. By the time they had reached the gray building of Scotland Yard, the footsteps were no where to be heard.

"What are we bloody doing here?" John asked as Sherlock whipped open the doors.

"Lestrade works late tonight." Sherlock said, going up the stairs. "The gunmen are far enough behind that they will eventually get here, but we'll be prepared when they do."

They earned upon Lestrade's office, and he was sleeping at his desk, his head laid sloppily on a stack of papers.

"Lestrade!" Sherlock yelled, kicking open the door. Lestrade woke up and quickly shook all the papers off his face.

"I'm sorry, Greg, it's an emergency." John said.

"Okay, what is it?" Lestrade mumbled, still sleep ridden.

"There are men after us, chasing us with guns." Sherlock said. "They tried to poison John's food at the restaurant. They want to kill me."

"Yep, okay. I'll get the squad on this." Lestrade said,  grabbing a phone and dialing numbers. "I need all entrances guarded. If anyone tries to get in, apprehend them."

Sherlock left Lestrade's office, and John followed suit. Sherlock paced up and down the same hallway, thinking.

I ruined my date with John. I totally and utterly ruined it. Sherlock thought. A normal guy would take his date out for a nice evening, a nice quiet evening. NOT CHASED DOWN THE STREETS OF LONDON!

Sherlock's head was filling with thoughts at an unprecedented rate, a rate that usually only meant that self destruction was to happen. And John knew of these tendencies, he knew what they did to Sherlock.

The police officers were taking their places at the doors and windows, staying enough in the shadows so that they wouldn't be seen by any possible intruders.

Sherlock was pacing, John was worried, then CRACK a door was kicked open. Sherlock and John both turned abruptly at the sound of the noise, and it was the gunmen breaking down the door. Within the very same moment, two of Lestrade's men had apprehended the gunmen, stripped them of their weapons, and had them at gunpoint.

"Sherlock!" Lestrade yelled, looking at the two men who had just broken down the door. Sherlock came flying down the stairs, his coat going wssh as he went down the stairs. "Are these your guys?" Lestrade asked as Sherlock came down the stairs.

"Yes." Sherlock said. "Contain them, in prison, in your office, I don't bloody care. I'll come down and interrogate them in a couple of days."

"Why not just do it now?" Lestrade asked.

"Because," Sherlock said, glancing at John, "I have plans tonight."


Sorry this chapter sucked and was a lot shorter than most. I was crazy sick all day today and couldn't even stand to look at a screen. Plus I have a pounding headache so this is just taking a lot of of me, but I am dedicated to this fic.

Thank you all so much for the reads! I know there's not even very many, but just the fact that other people are reading this pile of shit gets me real excited. :)

Comment and tell me how you guys are liking it. Each and every comment will get a reply, I promise.

Later! -Dillon

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