The Importance and Identification of Tobacco Ash; Part 2: Cigars

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*** Nine Years Ago***

"What can I help you with, brother mine?" Mycroft sneered at his little brother, sitting in the seat in front of him.

"I need you to get me something." Sherlock said.

"And what exactly might I retrieve for you?"

"A picture." Sherlock said.

Mycroft blinked in disbelief. So rarely did Sherlock ever ask for something so simple as a picture. "Just one picture?" Mycroft asked.


"What is this picture of?"

"John Watson." Sherlock said.

"You see that little man every day. Why on earth would you need a picture of him?" Mycroft asked.

"Not any picture of him." Sherlock said. "I want a picture of him in uniform. His army uniform."

"Oh, right. You have feelings for him." Mycroft said.

"How did you know?" Sherlock said.

"It's so obvious!" Mycroft exclaimed. "It's written all over your face. You're in love with him."

"You don't need to tell me what I already know." Sherlock said. "All I ask for is the picture."

"You've always had a thing for military men, remember Sargent Arms?" Mycroft said, a hint of a sly smile on his face. "Maybe I'll tell John about him..."

Sherlock's face went red. "No." Sherlock said. "Or I'll tell the man you have feelings for that you love him!"

"How do you know about Greg?" Mycroft demanded.

"Greg?" Sherlock asked. "Who the hell is that? I was talking about Lestrade. Who's Greg?"

"Oh, nevermind it." Mycroft said. "I'll email you the picture."

Sherlock got the picture in a couple of days. "Watson, John H." Sherlock stared at the picture for nearly an eternity, almost drooling, before renaming the file "The Importance and Identification of Tobacco Ash; Part 2: Cigars" and saving it on his computer.

***present day***

"We need something to break his alibi!" Sherlock said. "He did it, but there's no way I can prove it!" Sherlock was nearly going mad.

"It's okay, Sherl, we'll find a way." John said. "Calm down."

Sherlock had a break through. "The ash! The tobacco ash was not his!" Sherlock said. "John! There's a file on my laptop about tobacco ash. That will break the alibi!"

John opened Sherlock's laptop and saw a file named "The Importance and Identification of Tobacco Ash; Part 2: Cigars" and opened it.

And staring back at him wasn't a paper about tobacco ash, but a picture of John, in uniform.

"Sherlock?" John asked.

"Did you find it?" Sherlock asked, running over to the computer. When Sherlock saw what was looking back from the computer, all the blood rushed out of his face.

"What is this?" John asked.

"I think... I think you know w-what it is." Sherlock said, nervous that this would break the deal on him and John.

"I do know that. What I meant was, how did you get it?" John asked.

"Mycroft." Sherlock said. "I pulled... pulled in a favor."

"And how long have you had it?"

"Nine years." Sherlock said.

"Why did you want it?"

"Because even back then... back then I was in love with you. We had j-just met and I didn't want you to know that I loved you, but I wanted to see... to see you in uniform." Sherlock said. John didn't saw anything for a while. And since Sherlock was looking down at the ground, he couldn't tell what John's facial expression was.

"Sherlock..." John said.

"I hope you still want to marry me." Sherlock said.

"Are you kidding me?" John said, walking over to Sherlock. John lifted Sherlock's head and looked into his eyes. "That's so adorable! I can't believe you've had it all along. It just proves that you've really loved me all that time." John kissed Sherlock quickly. When John pulled away, Sherlock had a sheepish smile on his face. "I'm always going to want to marry you. And this... this just even wants to make me marry you more." John kissed Sherlock again. "And, you know, I still have this uniform. I could put it on and you can see it in real life."

Sherlock kissed John's nose. "I would like that very much."

John rushed upstairs and put on his uniform, the first time in nearly a decade.

When Sherlock first saw John in that uniform, he nearly passed out. When his dizziness subsided, Sherlock ran to John and plastered kisses all over his face, in a quick hurry. Sherlock was rarely this aroused.

Then Sherlock found John's lips and they kissed, sharing the heat building between them. Sherlock moved the kisses from John's mouth, to his neck.

Then they went to the bedroom and locked the door behind them.


well that was a fun one to write. got a little smuttier than I envisioned, but I still kinda like it. I think it's cute. and any moment for mystrade is a good moment.

well that's all I'm going to say today, but yeah, here come the usual stuff.

I love you all so much! If any of you need anything, then message me because I are about you immensely and would do anything for you to all be happy.

Thank you for the reads, this means so INSANELY much to me.

song: "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco :: just because it's a good song

comment for parrots. vote for guinea pigs.



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