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Sherlock was staring at the puppy in the box for what seemed like an eternity. Meanwhile the small puppy was jumping and yapping and licking Sherlock's face.

Sherlock seemed to be pulled into an alternate universe. He was staring at the puppy, unable to form words, unable to even move. Sherlock's mind was running wild with deductions. About the puppy, but mostly about John. Sherlock couldn't understand John's emotions towards him, but from what Sherlock knew, it was that John wanted a committed relationship. Which was good, because it was exactly what Sherlock had wanted.

"Sherlock, are you okay?" John asked, his brows furrowed in concern.

Sherlock shook his head slightly, clearing away his deductions. "Yes." Sherlock said. "I am more than okay. I am happy. So happy, John." Sherlock stood up from his spot knelt on the floor and walked over to John. Sherlock stood face to face with John, so close their feet were touching. Sherlock softly grabbed John's face, holding it up ever so slightly so that John's eyes met his own. "Thank you, John." Sherlock said, kissing John.

It was a quick kiss, as the puppy had peed in the box.

Sherlock broke off the kiss and went to go clean up the puppy's mess. John stood there, not meaning to be useless, but in awesome of Sherlock. 'Sherlock has never show this level of responsibility.' John thought to himself. 'Not for me, not for anyone. I guess he really wanted a puppy.' John watched as Sherlock scurried around the room, following the now free puppy as it was roaming the flat. 'What was that kiss all about? What did I do to Sherlock?' John thought.

Sherlock, in his mind, as he was racing after the puppy, was realizing that John is the person that Sherlock cares most for. John is the person Sherlock would give his life for. And that John is the person Sherlock would want to commit the rest of his life to.

--- 3 days later ---

Sherlock and John were somewhat surviving with the puppy in the house. Sherlock had given the puppy the name of 'Ben' for a reason that he kept hidden from John. Ben wasn't fully house broken, so Mrs Hudson did not approve of the random piles of poop under the couch she found occasionally. Rosie and the puppy bonded over the shared energy between them.

Ben, the puppy himself, is a black and white border collie. He was sweet and energetic, but what puppy isn't. Ben
has blue eyes, a pretty blue that reflect the color held in Sherlock's eyes. Ben's body was white, but with little black splotches on his ears and eyes and paws.

Sherlock had to drop all of the cases he was currently doing, as well as request that no one give him any cases for a while. Sherlock stayed home all day with Ben, loving him and training him. Out of anyone, Sherlock definitely loved Ben the most.

John noticed that there was something different about Sherlock. Every time Sherlock was with John, John noticed that Sherlock usually seemed quite a bit happier than normal. But this happiness that the puppy brought out of Sherlock was different. And Sherlock now treated John differently. Sherlock would kiss John every moment he had a chance to get in the room, and would never let John leave without another. John was enjoying this affectionate, loving side of Sherlock.

Sherlock himself loved the puppy. Sherlock had always wanted a dog, and now finally gets to raise him with the man he loves.

One time, John went into the living room where Sherlock was with Ben. John had an impending thought on his mind.

"Hey, Sherlock?" John said. "I think we can't hide any more."

"What do you mean?" Sherlock replied.

"Getting a puppy together is difficult to hide." John said.

Sherlock looked confused. "I still don't understand."

"We have to come out."

"As what?"

"Gay, Sherlock!" John said. "We have to tell everyone that we're in a relationship."

"Oh, that. Yes I agree we should do it." Sherlock said, not uttering another word and turning back to Ben.

Things were about to change at 221b Baker Street, and neither man knew exactly what was about to happen.



I never ever expected to get 700 reads or get comments as nice as the things you all say. I was gone for quite a while and in the mean time my story gained even more momentum. Thank you all so so so much.

I'm sorry this chapter is kind of bad. I like it though, and I hope that all of you do too!

Anyways, just thank you SO MUCH for all your support and patience. Continue to vote and comment because those things make me so happy.

Song of the chapter: Migraine -Twenty One Pilots :: because it is a beautiful song.

Comment here if you prefer summer. Vote if you prefer winter. (Me: *presses vote*)

ILY ALL -Dillon

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