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Sherlock and John were investigating a case for Scotland Yard. Sherlock was talking to Lestrade when they asked John to get them coffee. John left for only a couple minutes, and when he got back Sherlock and Lestrade were yelling at each other.

John saw Sally Donovan standing outside the door, listening to the conversation. John went up next to her.

"So, what are they fighting about?" John asked.

"Dunno." Donovan said. "But who really ever knows."

John shrugged in agreement and started to eavesdrop on Lestrade and Sherlock's fight.

"You faked your own death for God's sake!" Lestrade yelled. "You left us all alone for two years!"

"And all you cared about was that your star detective was out!" Sherlock yelled.

"I cared that my friend was dead, Sherlock! Do you really think it was that easy to move on with life thinking that one of my friends died!" Lestrade yelled.

"You never really cared about me!" Sherlock yelled.

"I visited your grave nearly every day, Sherlock!"

"I was watching my grave! I saw John go up and talk to it!"

"Then you missed some stuff!" Lestrade yelled. "You missed a lot!"

John, who knew something Sherlock didn't, tried to warn Lestrade not to say what happened.

"Really, Lestrade?" Sherlock yelled. "Well then, tell me! What'd I miss?!"

"How about the time I went to your grave to see John there, with a gun in his mouth?!" Lestrade yelled.

All of Sherlock's anger vanished. He stood, not moving, for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Lestrade calmed down too. "I guess you really didn't know about that." He said.

"A what?" Sherlock said. "In his... what?" Sherlock turned around to John, who was standing, frozen in the doorway.

"Nice job, Greg." John thought.

"John..." Sherlock asked, a pleasing look in his eyes. "Is that true?"

John sighed and looked at the floor.

"It's true!" Sherlock said, his eyes watering. He laughed, the sad, lonely laugh that he did on the roof of St. Bart's.

"Sherlock, I did-" John said, but was cut off by Sherlock pressing their lips together.

John grabbed on to Sherlock and they held each other closely. Sherlock broke the kiss off to look John in the eyes.

"I love you, John Watson." Sherlock said, his eyes pooling with tears.

Sherlock kissed John again. The kiss was salty, as Sherlock's tears were now rolling down his face. Sherlock broke the kiss off again.

Sherlock's eyes looked sad, even sadder than John could have possibly imagined they could look.

Sherlock whispered, "I never want to lose you."

"You never will." John said, kissing him.

Sherlock felt sick. Sick to his stomach. Sherlock could hardly even fathom that John, his John, felt sad enough to want to kill himself. And it was Sherlock's fault.

Sherlock held John close for the rest of the day, his arm always slung over John's shoulder, or them always hand in hand.

Sherlock wasn't ever going to lose John.

So in my house it is currently 83 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just super fucking hot. Our AC is broken and it's miserable here. But yay I squeezed out a chapter.


How was that chapter? I kinda liked it, but it's a bit of pain.

By that I mean a lot of pain.

Song: "If These Sheets Were States" by All Time Low :: just bc i feel this way about someone.

Vote if you love your hair. Comment if you've ever dyed it (tell me what color!).

(Me: I've dyed my hair turquoise, blue, purple [five times], aqua, red, and now purple again!)

Ily y'all so much! -Dillon

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