First Night

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John stared at Sherlock for the longest time. John had never seen Sherlock in such a raw way. John never thought that Sherlock was able of feeling things so strongly, or even feeling things at all. And now, here Sherlock was, delving his whole life story and showing how vulnerable he truly was.

"Sherlock, I... I, uh... Didn't know about all of that." John said. John was staring into Sherlock's eyes, the eyes that turn from blue to gray to green, the eyes that John loved, the eyes that now had dilated pupils. "I didn't know about how much my happiness has cost you. I'm sorry, so sorry."

"Don't apologize, John." Sherlock said. "Don't apologize for being happy. I chose on my own to let you be happy at my expense. That's all I ever wanted for you. I always wanted you to be happy."

"But you were in so much pain!" John said.

"It's all led to this, though." Sherlock said, a stupid, love ridden smile spread across his face. "I have waited for this for nine years, I have waited for this through pain, through desperation, all for you. All of this pain has been worth it, for you. You don't need to apologize because all of it has been worth it because now I'm happy."

"Oh, Sherlock." John said, grabbing Sherlock's shirt and kissing him.

First it was just a simple kiss, then it got more heated. Sherlock put his hand on the back of John's neck and held John close to him. Then the kiss got a little harder, a little more intense.

John swung one of his legs over Sherlock's legs, the kiss still heating up. Sherlock turned to face John more. John and Sherlock were facing each other, the kiss growing them stronger. Sherlock grabbed John's lower back and pushed John onto his legs, John's legs wrapped around Sherlock's waist.

John broke off the kiss, and said kind of cautiously, "Sherlock, I don't know about this."

"It's okay John." Sherlock said, looking at John from below, because for once John was taller. "It's all going to be okay."

Sherlock kissed John, and the kiss and all the heat resumed. John wrapped his legs even tighter around Sherlock's waist, and twined his hand's in Sherlock's dark, curly hair.

Sherlock grabs John by the waist, hard, and the heat gets really turned on. John's hands start to wander up and down Sherlock's back, his nails grazing his skin. Sherlock was holding John as tight as he could, the space between them decreasing.

All of a sudden, Rosie started to cry from upstairs.

"Damn!" John said, getting off of Sherlock's legs to take care of the baby. John started to head towards the stairs.

"It probably wasn't the night anyways." Sherlock muttered.

John stopped and turned back to Sherlock. "Are you saying you want there to be a night?" John asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yes I do." Sherlock said, like it was nothing. "Do you want there to be a night?"

John had to take a moment to think. "Yes. I think I want there to be a night." John said.

Both John and Sherlock were beaming.

"Wait can I ask," John asked, taking a step towards Sherlock. "Have you ever had a night before?"

"Oh, so now you're asking if I'm a virgin?" Sherlock said with contempt. "To answer your question: No."

John was genuinely surprised. "No?" He asked. "You've had sex before?"

"Yes, I have. I'm a forty year old man who's marginally attractive. Of course I've had sex." Sherlock said.

"With who?" John asked.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you're curious about this. Well, if you insist, then I've had sex with a man I 'hooked up' with, as you like to say, and I've had sex with Janine when I was dating her for the Magnussen case."

"Wait, you've had sex with a man and a woman?" John asked, surprised.

"Yes." Sherlock said.

"I thought you were just gay." John said, sort of asking.

"I'm bisexual. I thought you had possibly noticed from my long story." Sherlock said.

"Um, okay then." John said, turning back to walk up with the stairs. He stopped half way and turned back down. "Which did you like better?"

"More questions!" Sherlock exclaimed. "Well, if you really want to know then they were both equally as good. I think that if I had a more emotional connection with someone I would enjoy the sex more."

"Um... Okay." John said, turning up the stairs to go attending his crying daughter.

Once John was up the stairs, Sherlock muttered to himself, "He believed all of that. So gullible." Sherlock laughed, a quite sad laugh of shame.

Sherlock doesn't want anyone to know that even though he's a forty year old, marginally attractive man, he is a virgin.

Sorry this chapter is so weird, I just didn't really know where I was going with it. But tbh I kinda like it. Sad, the way I like my fics.

I've written so much fic in the past few days I think I'm gonna explode.

Thank you so much for the reads!!!!! AH!!!!!! THIS IS SO AMAZINGGGGGG!!

I was trying to write this chapter while watching FRIENDS. I think I'm mostly like Ross. What about y'all?

Later! -Dillon

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