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**Three weeks later**

Even after that eventful night, Sherlock and John have just gone back to solving crimes like they normally would, but taking time to steal kisses on the crime scene in closets where no one would look.

Molly Hooper married a man named Mark Vance almost a year ago, and Molly was pregnant with their first child, a baby boy.

Sherlock and John were at Molly's house because "come on Sherlock she helped you fake your death lets at least go over there and be respectful to your friend". Molly was excited to have the company, her husband, Mark, was at work.

"So, have you decided on a name?" John asked, as Sherlock made various deductions about Molly's house, lost in his own mid palace.

"Daniel." Molly said.

"That's a nice name." John said. "Why did you choose it?"

"It's the name of my Granddad." Molly said with a smile, rubbing her pregnant belly. Molly didn't seem to mind that Sherlock was lost in his own world.

"How nice." John said. "So what's his last name?"

Molly refused to take Mark's last name of Vance. She said that since she was Molly Hooper and not even marriage could change that.

"He's gonna take Mark's name." Molly said. "It's more traditional."

"Daniel Vance." John said, beaming. He remembered what it was like when he was expecting Rosie, and how excited this couple must be.

"Daniel Scott Vance." Molly said.

Sherlock broke into reality. He tilted his head, ever so slightly, and asked, "Scott?"

"Yes, Sherlock. His middle name is Scott." Molly said.

John looked at Molly in surprise. "Like... William Sherlock Scott Holmes?" John asked.

"Yes." Molly said. Sherlock went as silent as he did when John revealed that Sherlock was his best man.

"Um... why exactly would you name a child after this prick?" John asked.

"I mean, sure. Sherlock's an arsehole." Molly said. "I'm not gonna deny it. But he's also smart, and saved a lot of lives. He's one of the heroes of this world. If Daniel can achieve even a fraction of Sherlock's glory, I will be the happiest mum in existence." Molly said, slightly smiling. "We chose to use Sherlock's third name, rather than his first, because maybe then Daniel won't grow up to be an arrogant prick who does drugs an can't understand human emotion."

Sherlock was still stone dead silent. Sherlock's eyes were watering even though Sherlock didn't say a single word.

"Sherlock, are you okay?" John asked, looking at Sherlock.

Sherlock broke out of his trance, to say with a cracking and tearful voice, "Thank you, Molly. I am honored. So very honored. Thank you." Sherlock's face broke out into a smile.

Sherlock kissed Molly's hand and then turned around and exited the room. John quickly followed. When they were all alone, out front of the house, Sherlock barreled into John and hugged him.

They stood there like that, Sherlock's body wrapped around John's, Sherlock quietly whispering, "I'm loved. I'm loved."

"How could you not know that you're loved?" John asked. "You are one of the most loved men in all of existence."

"It doesn't feel that way all the time." Sherlock said. "And I was such an arsehole to Molly all the time, and she still wants her child to bear my name. That shows me that I am loved."

Sherlock held on to John tightly. "C'mon, Sherl." John said. "We'd better get inside before Molly gets curious."

Sherlock and John went back inside.

"So, when's the baby due?" John said.

"Any day now." Molly said, rubbing her distended belly.

"Actually I would suggest getting to the hospital." Sherlock said. "You're going to start contractions in 3... 2... 1..."

Molly yelled in pain.

So sorry, my lovelies, for not updating. My parents are trying to get me off my phone and iPad, so I have no time to write except for break while babysitting.

Have you ever tried to take care of 3 kids, all under the age of 3? It's so exhausting! Example: today I kept a 12 month old from licking a door, and when I turned around the two year old was hitting the dog with a frisbee. When I finally got him to stop doing that, a 14 month old got her foot stuck in a chair. Like wtf!

Sorry for the shitty chapter, the next few will be better. I wanted to give you something if I might not have my phone for a while.


Song: "Lovely" -Twenty Øne Piløts :: just bc it's amazing

Vote if you think Molly Hooper deserved better. Comment if you're Benaddicted.

ILY ALL -Dillon

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