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After the talk with Molly, John and Sherlock went back to 221b, where Mrs Hudson was babysitting Rosie.

"Daddy!" Rosie yelled, running into John's legs to hug him.

John smiled and crouched down to hug Rosie. Rosie then yanked John by the arm and showed him all the drawings she made, which Mrs Hudson had put on the fridge.

Sherlock was standing in the doorway, observing this spectacle of John and his daughter. Sherlock didn't really understand human emotions, but after spending so much time with John lately, Sherlock was able to read John a bit better. And Sherlock could tell, above all else, that John would be willing to do anything for his daughter.

John moved back into 221b a couple weeks ago, taking Rosie's items with him. So now, there was Sherlock's deduction tools and Rosie's toys around the house. It also happened that Sherlock and Rosie would trade toys. Sherlock took fun in deducing everything about Rosie's dolls and the roles she played with them. And Rosie would take Sherlock's items and play with them, not usually noticing the immediate danger they provided.

John once walked in on Rosie running around with Sherlock's blowtorch. It was a fun afternoon for them both.

Sherlock was forming a bond with Rosie, the gorgeous, now 5 year old girl. They were both quite childish, and they both annoyed the hell out of John at some points. But they both won over John's love.

Rosie was pointing out to John all the pictures she had drawn that day. She pointed out one of three stick figures, one short one with blond hair, one tall one with black hair, and one with pigtails in it's hair.

Rosie stuck her finger out at the figures and said, "That one is you Daddy, that one is me, and that one is Sherlock. Look we're a family!"

Sherlock was standing in the next room when he heard this. He walked swiftly into the kitchen and went to the fridge where Rosie and John were.

"Rosie, can you show me that picture too?" Sherlock asked. John looked at Sherlock.

'Oh my god.' John thought. 'Sherlock doesn't realize that now he's as big a part of Rosie's life as I am.'

Rosie pointed at the figures again. "See, that one is my daddy, there's me, and there's you, Sherlock."

"Why did you decide to include me in this picture?" Sherlock asked. Sherlock, in the time Rosie has been living with him, has asked Rosie a lot of advanced questions. And Rosie has gotten rather good at answering them.

"I made this picture of me and my family." Rosie said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sherlock," John said, interjecting into the conversation. "Rosie considers you to be a part of her family."

"Yeah!" Rosie said. "You are my father too!"

Sherlock nearly passed out.

Sherlock's knees locked and he started to fall like a tree. John noticed this in enough time to catch Sherlock before he hit the ground.

John grunted while helping the half-conscious Sherlock back to his feet. "Jesus Chris, Sherlock. Was it really that shocking?"

Sherlock was muttering, "I'm her father, I'm her father," over and over again, each time it getting a little bit more comfortable for Sherlock to say.

When Sherlock was able to stand on his feet, John took Sherlock into their bedroom.

"Why exactly was that so shocking, Sherlock?" John asked.

"Because I never knew it would actually happen!" Sherlock said, close to tears.

"What?" John asked.

"I always knew that Rosie has seen me as a father figure, that's true enough. The clues were all there. But for her to actually call me her father.... Was.... Was...." Sherlock trailed off.

"But if you always knew, why did it shock you so much?" John asked.

Sherlock searched for the prefect metaphor. After a painful five seconds of Sherlock staring off into the distance, he finally came back to reality and said, "Do you remember the first time that Rosie called you dada?"

"Of course." John said. "One of the best moment of my life."

"At that point Rosie was far enough in her cognitive development to recognize you as her father figure." Sherlock said. "We were in the same position. Do you understand now?"

John nodded softly. John laced his fingers behind Sherlock's head and looked into Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock placed his hands on John's lower back and pulled John close to him.

"Sherlock, do you realize that we are a family?" John said.

"I guess we are." Sherlock said.

"How do you feel about this?" John asked.

"Very happy, John. Very happy indeed." Sherlock said.

John pulled Sherlock into his body, and they kissed. No matter how many times Sherlock and John have kissed, Sherlock always will never get over how amazing kissing John is.

When Sherlock and John left the bedroom, they finally felt like a true family.

So, yeah. Is it okay?

I really liked writing it though! It'll hopefully lead into more Sherlock and Rosie together and more family-ness between all of them. I have big plans, my friends. And I think you'll like them. Mwah ha ha.

My love for Jimmy Fallon is infinite. I very much love the way he roasts the Cheeto puff of a president.


Song of the chapter: "Girls/Girls/Boys" -Panic! At The Disco :: because this song means so much to me. It's beautiful and made me into my fabulous gay self.

Vote if you play an instrument (and tell me what it is!!). Comment with your favorite fruit.

(Me? Ukulele, guitar(ish), flute and apples!!)

Ily y'all! -Dillon

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